Hi all,

Im wanting to restore my PC to factory standard. Ive backed up all the files i need to keep, removed all periferals.

Got the book out that came with my PC it says to press F11 key until system recovery starts then advanced options etc but it wont work!!! It just starts up as normal!!

Another option is to go thru the vista start menu, into All programs then PC help & tools then recovery manager BUT i cant see PC help and tools in the 'all programs' area!

I have done a system recovery ages ago and can vaguely remember having the same problem but cant recall how i fixed it!!

ANY advice appreciated.


I forgot to add, there is a recovery partition in the PC so i do not have disks!

What is your reason for wanting to do a recovery?

Just wanting to 'start a fresh' with it. Things have been added, removed, changed etc since the last time i restored it to factory so its not as 'good' as it used to be.

It is possible to clean up an ailing install to almost as good as new!

How would i go about doing that please? Is it easier than starting from scratch?

Ccleaner will remove most unused registry entries for starters. Google will find it!

Thanks anyway, but i think i'll just try to work out how to restore it to factory! It'll be like getting a new PC without spending any pennies lol

Removing unused registry entries then defragmenting will certainly make the machine much quicker!

Cheers, if i dont find out how to do the factory reset i may give it a go. To be honest though it isnt that slow that i cant tolerate it.

ccleaner is free,so no cost to try it ,
i would suggest installing it [ i use it all the time on my own and custoers computers ]going into tools ,uninstall progras you don't want,them run the cleaner to remove temp files and cache files,then run the regestry cleaner ,i admit it will nor be as good a a clean install but will certenly help

when hitting f11 are you doing so as soon as windows starts to boot .

Yeah, F11 straight from start up - about 1 press per second until its obv. its not worked.

PS sorry for the slow reply!

Just an idea . . . can i check my F11 key actually works some how? Thinking it may be defective?

Just an idea . . . can i check my F11 key actually works some how? Thinking it may be defective?

yes,open internet explorer browser ,hit f11 it should change IE to full screen

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