I have a Windows XP at home and a Windows 7 laptop. I connect to the internet at home with a cable connection. I've tried searching for stuff online, but have come up short. Does anyone know of a good guide to accomplish this or who is willing to share their own knowledge with me?


I have a Windows XP at home and a Windows 7 laptop. I connect to the internet at home with a cable connection. I've tried searching for stuff online, but have come up short. Does anyone know of a good guide to accomplish this or who is willing to share their own knowledge with me?


What is the actual question? Are you looking for a VPN to browse the web anonymously or a VPN to remote into home from the outside?

I'm trying to be able to access my desktop from anywhere (school, friend's house, etc) with my laptop.

Setup RDP for the 2 machines; configure the port forwarding in the router, assign each PC a specific listening port; then RDP from where ever you are to your IP:port# and you will hit your PC

I'll have to do some research to get that accomplished. I'm definitely no networking guru by any facet of my imagination... Thanks for the step-by-step on the process. I now have a basic understanding of what I need to accomplish.

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