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witch is the best for gaming? vista home premium or vista ultimate?

Windows 7 :D

They are exactly the same for gaming.

But seriously, windows 7.

Regrds 5032

wonder whats coming next

Win7 of course

Sorry, I'm only using Vista home basic.. but I will prefer windows 7 best for gaming..

why windows7 is best for gaming?

could anyone explain it?

why windows7 is best for gaming?

could anyone explain it?

Sometimes Vista is not compatible for other games or applications... as compared to Windows 7 has many applications and compatibilities

Sometimes Vista is not compatible for other games or applications... as compared to Windows 7 has many applications and compatibilities

thinking you just want to post you signature, as you info is with out any intelligences at all !1
Vista is not compatible for other games == what other games

has many applications and compatibilities=== what the fugg do that mean

YOu're fugg, try to install warcraft 3 game in your vista and you will find out what i'm talking about.

you fag

lol,me tooo

This thread has as much use and makes as much sense as fly screens on a submarine.

This thread has as much use and makes as much sense as fly screens on a submarine.

this one and 8 of 10 of the post i recently replied to

If all you want to do is play games or surf the net, then don't waste your hard-earned money on the ultimate edition -- the Home Premium edition works great for those. You can't buy Vista any more so the argument between Vista and Windows 7 is now mute.

Win 7 is the best for gaming i have alot of problems with my vista when i am using it for gaming.

Win 7 is the best for gaming i have alot of problems with my vista when i am using it for gaming.

cant get any more open than that as to why you posted ,sell online ,and you sig is what it is

cant get any more open than that as to why you posted ,sell online ,and you sig is what it is

There is nothing wrong with his sig links, and his post was relevent to this thread. So I don't understand your beef with his post.

There's no difference for gaming, the difference between Home Premium and Ultimate is in extra features that wont effect gaming.

Windows 7 is better for gaming (in my opinion) because it has all the modern benefits (DX10, and being the current platform designers code for) but the XP mode allows you to play legacy games that weren't viable on Vista.

There's no difference for gaming, the difference between Home Premium and Ultimate is in extra features that wont effect gaming.

Windows 7 is better for gaming (in my opinion) because it has all the modern benefits (DX10, and being the current platform designers code for) but the XP mode allows you to play legacy games that weren't viable on Vista.

home premium is not compatible with xp mode,

I didn't mean to imply it was, Windows 7 has XP mode (in some versions) and Vista doesn't, That's one the things that makes 7 a better gaming operating system for me.

I didn't mean to imply it was,

didn't say you did,didn't mean to tag your post just a habit sorry
was just posting/adding some info,
like this xp mode also need a up to date cpu to run ,i have win7 ultimate on a P4 2.8 socket 478 but it will not run xp mode but its doesn't have hardware assisted virtualization

XP mode shouldn't need hardware virtualization, but a little more muscle than that would probably help. I have an older dual core "Athlon x2 4200+" with 4GB of ram and didn't have any problems with the little bit I've used XP mode, despite the lack of virtualization support.

XP mode shouldn't need hardware virtualization, but a little more muscle than that would probably help. I have an older dual core "Athlon x2 4200+" with 4GB of ram and didn't have any problems with the little bit I've used XP mode, despite the lack of virtualization support.

did you downlaod winxp mode ,also #2 is tool i ran to run to check

I installed it after my last reinstall, but never really played with it much. You should technically meet the requirements but with virtualization "minimum requirements" are going to give pretty poor performance.

I installed it after my last reinstall, but never really played with it much. You should technically meet the requirements but with virtualization "minimum requirements" are going to give pretty poor performance.

i think i will try as i to have P4 cpu

i installed winxp mode ,but my computer is not letting me install windows update for some reason it doesn't see that iam the admin and the only user on the computer ,so it will not install the virtual pc in that link .

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