My new desktop with Vista Home Premium seems to be restarting automatically now and then. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen when I'm around. I checked the events through eventvwr but it just says the system restarted unexpectedly (and gives some binary junk I can't understand).

I have disabled the possible causes for auto-restart, like auto-update. The restart times are not consistent, sometimes its late in the night, sometimes in the afternoons etc.

I'm really frustrated coz its a new system and its not behaving itself. I have of course installed a slew of software on it but none of them misbehave on my other XP laptop. And they don't run when I'm not around.

Can some one think of possible reasons and fixes? Please help.

Try running a diagnostic on the memory in your system. Use the Windows Built in Memory Diagnostic which can be obtained from the F8 menu or click Start > Run and type in ‘mdsched’ and restart the comp. Post back what happens

Had tried that already. Also ran a chkdsk. I've started suspecting ATI X1300 Pro drivers. Coz today when I was watching a dvd on VLC player it blue screened twice. But it doesn't happen always. Note that, I keep getting this "your display has been changed to home basic settings because the program doesn't support Aero" thing for many apps I use including this one.

I updated my ATI drivers a while back but there was no change (BSoDs happened before and after).

Got some solid clue now. After a restart, Windows gave me this

"You received this message because a device driver installed on your computer caused the Windows operating system to stop unexpectedly. This type of error is referred to as a "stop error." A stop error requires you to restart your computer."

Technical Information
Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078)

Now following this, I gather that I cant fix it unless I replace my card. I wonder why Dell sold it to me if it has a problem.

There is a workaround mentioned. But my Troubleshoot tab doesn't allow me to change the hardware accelerator settings.

Anyone knows how to handle this?

I had a similar problem with a computer I had built for work. I kept getting that exact same error message and it would spontaneously reboot all of the time. I don't know how many times I reinstalled drivers for my ATI Radeon video card thinking it was the culprit (all the error messages pointed me to it), just to find out that my MoBo was throwing a fit over my memory. All of my memtests turned out fine, the ram was good, but the MoBo didn't like having all of its slots filled. Once I removed one stick everything worked fine. Granted, I was working with DDR and the MoBo had 3 slots, I haven't run into any problems with DDR2 builds yet, and those usually prefer matched pairs.

I would recommend temporarily going down to just one stick and see if that helps. I suppose you could download and run memtest86 and let it run all night and see if any errors creep in.

I really wouldn't expect a prebuilt like dell to have compatability issues in their hardware or configuration. They spend a lot of time making sure their peices and parts play nice with each other but what you are describing really does sound like an incompatiability issue. :(

We (the support and I) figured out that it isn't just the video card. I got a crash while using skype (ppl might say skype doesnt support Vista yet, still it was the same error msg). I googled and found that ppl got it with a no. of other components ... Some have even fixed it by adjusting voltage levels of some components.

I really wouldn't expect a prebuilt like dell to have compatability issues in their hardware or configuration. They spend a lot of time making sure their peices and parts play nice with each other but what you are describing really does sound like an incompatiability issue. :(

How true!! Unfortunately, I'll never have the courage to open the box even to say hi to the components inside, for the fear that Dell might void my warranty.

I've been fighting with them all week. They suggested another format and reinstall (2nd time! the nerve!!). I'm getting better at this game now - I asked them to prepare a new hard drive with a fresh image to replace mine, so they are going to do it. I seriously think it is more than a mere driver issue, but I'll still give it a shot.

Will keep updating this thread, just in case some unfortunate soul is suffering from the same problem.

Can you RMA the whole computer and ask for a new one? I have no idea if Dell would do this. I know people that bought a computer in a physical store have had good luck bringing it in and saying "just give me another one!" :,(

Can you RMA the whole computer and ask for a new one? I have no idea if Dell would do this. I know people that bought a computer in a physical store have had good luck bringing it in and saying "just give me another one!" :,(

Well they better, coz that was my plan ... I'm trying out the new hard drive with a fresh image. It has just been a night and no crashes yet. If it dies, they better give me a new box.

One of the whole reasons why people go with a pre-built is because they aren't masochistic enough to enjoy the "fun" of troubleshooting when their this doesn't work with their that. ;) It really kinda stinks that you got stuck with having to do just that. :(

One of the whole reasons why people go with a pre-built is because they aren't masochistic enough to enjoy the "fun" of troubleshooting when their this doesn't work with their that. ;) It really kinda stinks that you got stuck with having to do just that. :(

Hehe .. I'm beginning to feel like a rat in a laboratory :confused: - they are kinda making my PC an experiment piece :P

i get a similar problem with a dell desktop. they overheat big time and cause the system to reboot. maybe your laptop is doing this also?

No I dont think there is any overheating. Besides I'm not sure if overheating can throw bluescreen and hang on there, it just switches off the PC. Overheating is a common problem with Dell, esp. laptops.

I just figured out my problem with the STUCK_IN_THREAD error...random restart...

It did not like the screen saver slideshow... just thought I would share this simple thing!

I just figured out my problem with the STUCK_IN_THREAD error...random restart...

It did not like the screen saver slideshow... just thought I would share this simple thing!

look for something that is looping on your computer. it is causing the cpu to overheat maybe???

Finally, something seems to be solving the problem. Dell claimed that it is a BIOS issue and they are working with Msft for a patch. Anyway, taking out that ATI control center app from system tray (removing from startup) seems to stop the bsod.

do you have a dimension?

i know that i had to flash my BIOS on my 5150 to get sound in vista. Maybe you need to do a similar thing? (be careful, dont flash unless necessary as baad flash = dead pc)

well its because of the operating system you are using,you can reinstall the version of windows operating system you have on the laptop.and that should solve the problem

:angry:it's happenin to me dang!!!

I had a similar problem with a computer I had built for work. I kept getting that exact same error message and it would spontaneously reboot all of the time. I don't know how many times I reinstalled drivers for my ATI Radeon video card thinking it was the culprit (all the error messages pointed me to it), just to find out that my MoBo was throwing a fit over my memory. All of my memtests turned out fine, the ram was good, but the MoBo didn't like having all of its slots filled. Once I removed one stick everything worked fine. Granted, I was working with DDR and the MoBo had 3 slots, I haven't run into any problems with DDR2 builds yet, and those usually prefer matched pairs.

I would recommend temporarily going down to just one stick and see if that helps. I suppose you could download and run memtest86 and let it run all night and see if any errors creep in.

I really wouldn't expect a prebuilt like dell to have compatability issues in their hardware or configuration. They spend a lot of time making sure their peices and parts play nice with each other but what you are describing really does sound like an incompatiability issue.

Thanks for sharing about problem.
I not suggest to use Vista due to Vista operating system have many errors.

Thanks for sharing about problem.
I not suggest to use Vista due to Vista operating system have many errors.

thats the smartest thing i heard all day ,no wonder you have to depend on the 5cents per click you get for the links in your signature !lol

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