Hello everyone,

I recently got a blue screen error (bsod) on my laptop after using it for a long time. Now the problem is that I'm getting this blue screen error right after I start up windows 7. Right after the loading screen it just pops up and restarts. So im getting this black "Windows Error Recovery" screen giving me 2 options, start windows up normally (which leads to the blue screen error) and system repair which leads to a blank black screen with an big white cursor and nothing else. So I tried tapping F8 before I go into the black "Windows Error Recovery" screen, trying to go to advanced boot options and then go into safe mode, but that doesnt work either and gives me the same blue screen error, all the other options leads to the blue screen error too. Then I tried "disable automatic restart on system failure" so I get the chance to read the blue screen error and it shows the error:


Then I found a article on how to fix it through google. The repair looks very easy to do, but in order to do it I need the Windows 7 Install CD to go into the repair menu or something like that. So I put my windows 7 cd in, tapped F12 to boot up windows 7 CD, it gives me a loading screen saying its loading the windows 7 cd files and then its giving me the same problem as "system repair". It just leads to a blank black screen with an big white cursor and nothing else. The CD should work because some months ago I had some windows 7 problems and was using the same exact CD to fix it. And because I got the same problem with "system repair" I know it wasnt the CD that was causing it.

So why am I getting this blank black screens instead of the window 7 menu? Can someone PLZ help me? I cant find anything about it on google except on how to fix the UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME error.

For some reason the Blue screen error is gone and gives me the black screen of death instead but this time I can reinstall windows 7 in safe mode (anything else is giving me black screen). So i'm doing that now, hopyfully that works otherwise i'll try the link you gave me. Thanks for your reply!

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