Having been confirmed in my suspicion that my IT support bloke is not as knowledgeable as claimed, I now desperately need to find out what's going on with my bootup.
WinXP Home, SP3.
On bootup every morning, just when I think it's ready, it cycles back to bootup and then runs Checkdisk. Every morning it seems to take longer to run chkdsk, and the errors fixed are more.
If someone would tell me how to attach a doc., I can show the error messages the happen every morning, according to the Entry Log (System) - I have a neato little app called 'PC Wizard' that tells me everything in the world. Only trouble is, I have no idea whatto look for, other than that Log...

To attach a doc ---

Look just below the Quick Message editor and you will see two buttons -- "Post Reply to this Thread" and "Use Advanced Editor". Click the "Use Advanced Editor".

Next, scroll down until you see a button "Manage Attachments" then click that button. That will let you browse your computer's hard drive for the file you want to upload to DaniWeb and attach to your post.

Suggestion: Don't attach anything with *.doc extension -- most people will not read it because so many *.doc files contain viruses. Instead, convert it to *.txt file and attach that to your post.

That's very kind of you - thank-you.
But I nearly always want to post a screen-grab: what do the people posting here do in that case, please?

OK, have managed to get my act together and turned the screen-grab into a .jpg.
If anyone with understanding of what problems with bootup mean would take a gink at the .jpg, it might tell him something.
But then, if I knew PRECISELY what info. to supply, I could derive it from PCWizard and send the *correct* .jpg...

sounds like a bad or corrupt drive ,i would boot computer to a winxp cd and using the [R]recovery consol run a chkdsk /r
using/installing recovery consol how to in link

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