I have a Cel 1.7 GHz and Windows 2000 Prof running on it. I have installed all the latest service packs on it with Windows Update from microsoft.com.
When I am trying to install office, the setup is exiting without installing. It is not giving any error messages, it is simply exiting. The same problem is occuring when I am trying to install Microsoft Virtual PC 2004. What could be the problem? Previously I used to use Win98SE and Office 2000 used to get installed without a glitch.

So do all other programs install without a problem.

The problem is occuring with Microsoft Installer (msi programs). I downloaded MSI installer from microsoft, but when I try to install it , it says Microsoft Installer is already installed? Is there any way to remove and reinstall this service?


When I am trying to install office, the setup is exiting without installing. It is not giving any error messages, it is simply exiting. The same problem is occuring when I am trying to install Microsoft Virtual PC 2004. What could be the problem? Previously I used to use Win98SE and Office 2000 used to get installed without a glitch.

There are a couple of possibilities. One is that your hard drive may be too full. I have seen the MS Installer fail silently for that reason.

Another is a damaged Registry. You can try a couple of things there. One is to use System Restore to go to an earlier state of the system. Another is to use NTRegOpt, which is part of the package with which Win NT/2000/XP users can do a full backup-and-restore of the Registry: ERUNT -- The Emergency Recovery Utility NT to keep your Registry backed up. ERUNT backs up and restores parts of the Registry that Windows' built-in tools do not.

The registry does not appear to be damaged and neither is the hardisk full. I have tried NTRegOpt and ERUNT and they did not work. Is there any way to uninstall the Microsoft Insaller service and reinstall it?


Hai, Rational 611,

If you want to uninstall windows installer then you can go to : c:\winnt\system32\msiexec file and delet it.
After this you can install it back from microsoft downloads or from Windows CD ROM.

But I will preffer you to try installing microsoft office from command prompt ie.

CD Drive:\file directory\setup.exe
I Hope it will help you

I have a Cel 1.7 GHz and Windows 2000 Prof running on it. I have installed all the latest service packs on it with Windows Update from microsoft.com.
When I am trying to install office, the setup is exiting without installing. It is not giving any error messages, it is simply exiting. The same problem is occuring when I am trying to install Microsoft Virtual PC 2004. What could be the problem? Previously I used to use Win98SE and Office 2000 used to get installed without a glitch.

With that many problems sometimes it is just worth it to start from scratch again.

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