Lenovo ThinkPad shows only blinking cursor in upper left of screen at start up, can get to bios. Please help.

sounds like textbook hard drive failure. i would try booting to a disk (my preference is the simple win98 boot disk) and doing a fixmbr and fixboot, then try booting again. there are a couple other commands like that to try too, but those are the ones i remember off the top of my head.

sounds like textbook hard drive failure. i would try booting to a disk (my preference is the simple win98 boot disk) and doing a fixmbr and fixboot, then try booting again. there are a couple other commands like that to try too, but those are the ones i remember off the top of my head.

Ran hard drive the Levono bios hard drive diagnostics and the hard drive checked out fine, no problems. Windows 7 came installed on the machine so I can't reinstall or try to boot from CD.

When the computer tries to boot, I can hit enter to stop the normal boot process. When I do I have the following options -

F1 - which takes you to bios Setup Utility.

The options there are
- Config
- Date/Time
- Security
- Startup
- Restart
- HDD diagnostic program

I have poked around and everything looks OK to me, but I am a novice. I ran the HDD diagnostic program and the hard drive passed the test.

F12 - which takes you to a Boot Menu.

The options in the Boot Menu are:

1. USB HDD Generic - Multi-Card-(USB 2.0)
3. ATA HDDO: ST93203325AS-(S1)
5. PCI LAN: Realtek Boot Agent

<Enter Setup>

There is no 2.

Looking for what to do now.



Idk what the diagnostics checked out, but the drive can be fine and still have a bad win7 boot sector. Maybe even a bad mbr.

How about this?

I asked my daughter is she had done anything to the PC,and she had put the media card from my camera into the OC. I took that out, and everything worked fine.

Thanks for the input.

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