I copied my 120g HD so I can put it on my new 500g HD but when it was all said and done my 500g HD now thinks it’s a 500g HD!! Where did I go wrong?!?!?!? I used the program Acronis True Image and copied my whole 120g drive and then loaded it on to my 500g. Everything works fine other than the fact my 500g thinks it's a 120g HD. HELP!!!!!!

Also so if i can't fix this is there a way I can wipe the entire 500g HD and start from scratch?

I would have thought that under Acronis you could add extebnded partitions to take up the remaining capacity.

My suspicion is that you've copied across hidden files in the process which keep Windows posted as to volume size. Copying across an entire HDD is never really a good idea, as you are finding out.

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