Hi! I have a HPX1963. It is frezng up constantly. I will be both online and offline when my programs become Not Responding. I have also received a meessage saying that memory could not be referenced and then it will tell me my system is shutting down.
I took my computer to a family member that works on computers for a living and it did not act up one time at his house. I had a couple virus' in my vault and he cleaned them off. As soon as I got home and hooked my computer up it started acting up as before.
Why does it act up at my house but not his? I have AD-AWARE AND AVG. I check them daily.
Any suggestions on what could be wrong and/or how to fix it?
I have internet thru our cable company. None of the lights on my box go off; it says that I am online when I have these problems. I have called the company and they said they aren't having any problems on there part.