
My application is running well with windows xp but when i install it to win 7 basic home it doesn'nt execute at all. It stops when it reach the form that has flash player. I have instal flash player version 10 but it happens the same. I have problem to run my application on win 7 now....How to solve this problem. Please help !!!


Does you application access anything not located on the local computer? If it's connecting out of Windows 7 to, say, a database server then you may need to allow the application to initiate an outbound connection in the Windows firewall settings.

Hope this helps!

/David C.


My application is running well with windows xp but when i install it to win 7 basic home it doesn'nt execute at all. It stops when it reach the form that has flash player. I have instal flash player version 10 but it happens the same. I have problem to run my application on win 7 now....How to solve this problem. Please help !!!


We can all attempt to help you as best we can here, but to serve yourself and the community as a whole, a detailed description is what we will need to help you help yourself - and in turn others may re-read the post and need not even ask in future.

That being said, the other reply is correct, but since we don't really know what "does not work" means, let me throw a few more ideas out to you.

Just as mentioned about FLASH perhaps wanting to connect to a backend db and not being allowed via Windows Firewall or any other firewall, FLASH 10.xx will prompt a user any time it does anything that is not simply executed locally; that means if there is a hyperlink, FLASH is going to step out with an error Window.

Best bet, is describe what it is you really are doing or trying to accomplish. Is what's failing in the form of .swf files, a .html file linked to .swf's or are they .fla files? If they are the latter, (.fla's) you should hopefully know those are not at all executable anyway - you need FLASH or an alternate FLASH authoring application to do anything at all with them.

Please just elaborate simply, what it is that is "failing" and how exactly it is "failing." If there are applicable Event viewer logs, you trap it in a debugger, it sends a message on the screen when it "fails" - anything; post it. We already only know several relevant things for certain about your problem. You are running W7. You have installed the updated FLASH player. "SOMETHING [FLASH RELATED] IS NOT WORKING." Please fill in the rest of the story. :-)

thank u so much...its working now

thank u so much...its working now

Would you post for others that may find your question via a search a brief description of what did not work EXACTLY and why it is now working?

It could potentially help many others out there with the same sort of issue(s)...

(I'td been easier if when you found <DANIWEB> to have been able to click on an answer than to have to ask the question, right?):)

Anyway, glad all is working now for you whatever the cause or effect...


The PC with OS Window7 is not install with flashPlayer and even i run the installer which i downloaded from the adobe website itself it does not contain a full version of it. So i google around and at last i found the installer from other website with full version and it contain 2.73 MB whereby the one i downloaded from Adobe website only contain 2.70 MB.


The PC with OS Window7 is not install with flashPlayer and even i run the installer which i downloaded from the adobe website itself it does not contain a full version of it. So i google around and at last i found the installer from other website with full version and it contain 2.73 MB whereby the one i downloaded from Adobe website only contain 2.70 MB.

Hey, thanks for posting that for others to see. I've not heard of such a thing, so perhaps it indeed will be helpful to some folks out there. I wonder, is it possible that you are running Win 7 x64 rather than x86 - and ADOBE's website goofed and gave you the 32-bit version?

Without looking, off of the top of my head (and knowing ADOBE's nature to omit x64 executables not only from development, but also making them hard to find online if they exist...) perhaps a 32/64 bit agnostic .exe deal? Just a guess considering you say the .exe that "works" is slightly larger; most x64 exe's include some both 32 bit and 64 bit .dll's and such; often making them a bit larger due to essentially duplication...

Well I am glad it is solved whatever the case!

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