Hi at startup, the message no disk comes up for the DVD cdrom.and then the drive does not work with any disc I put in. the system says that the dDrive is working could anybody help please


sounds like your BIOS might only be wanting to boot from the DVD drive... or your hard drive might have failed and it can't boot from naything but the DVD drive.

first think you'd want to do is go into your bios and disable booting from the DVD drive. should be a button you press to get into the BIOS right @ startup... del or f1-f12. the options inside the BIOS are pretty self-explanatory... do a google search if you can't figure that out, there are plenty of pages out there explaining BIOS usage. you'll want to get very familiar with them.

I think not like that. your description is not clear to me. when the problem occur? after enter os or before enter the os?

have you check device manager? to check whether the drive is working properly or not..

have you check device manager? to check whether the drive is working properly or not..

HI I have checked the device manager and it says the device is working ok

thank you for your help


Thanks for the info, I will try that

Thanks a Lot

sounds like your BIOS might only be wanting to boot from the DVD drive... or your hard drive might have failed and it can't boot from naything but the DVD drive.

first think you'd want to do is go into your bios and disable booting from the DVD drive. should be a button you press to get into the BIOS right @ startup... del or f1-f12. the options inside the BIOS are pretty self-explanatory... do a google search if you can't figure that out, there are plenty of pages out there explaining BIOS usage. you'll want to get very familiar with them.

try to update the cd room firmware.......

This thread is solved.It turned out to be the laser on the dvd died. thank you to all who helped.I know nothing obout computers, but it is good to know that people will give their time to help Thanks

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