This is getting me insane, I got Office 2010 (I think it is still trial).
When I try to open a file made in 2007 (both 2010&2007 save in .docx) it shows me this:

Translating (sort of...): There's not enough quota to do this action.

Please Help, it look like it is cuz of Tune Up Program Deactivator

We will need some more details to try to help you.

Do you have disk quotas turned on? Is this device on a domain? Are any other programs complaining of hitting quota restrictions when attempting to save anything else?

Please let us know some more details and we can see if we can help.


We will need some more details to try to help you.

Do you have disk quotas turned on? Is this device on a domain? Are any other programs complaining of hitting quota restrictions when attempting to save anything else?

Please let us know some more details and we can see if we can help.


I don't know what are disk quotas but I think I don't have them on.
No, it's not on a domain.
I didn't have any other heavy programs launched.
I don't know why does the error show the location of TuneUp 2011 Program Deactivator, as it is pretty light. The heaviest thing is SKYPE (82 000 K)

Even the lightest of programs can cause an error.

Try uninstalling TuneUp 2011 Program Deactivator then test to see if the error persists. If it does not, then contact the vendor for TuneUp 2011 Program Deactivator.

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