Hi everyone, I'm new here,but this seems to be the most helpful site I found....Please help me....Pretty desperate here.

I'm not able to download at all. The download box opens but nothing starts. The internet freezes momentarily, I can run messenger programs but not all pages download properly, I have to keep on hitting refresh. Also, my email won't download either.

I get no error messages. I have tried other browsers beside IE, but nothing works.....I'm clueless...Please help. :cry:


Please answer the following questions so we can better help you:

What kind of internet connection do you have?

When did this problem start?

Did you make any hardware or software changes just before the problem?

Have you run any antivirus or antispyware scans to see if your system is infected with anything?

Have you contacted your ISP to ensure that they aren't experiencing any problems?

Please answer the following questions so we can better help you:

What kind of internet connection do you have? cable

When did this problem start? about 3 days ago

Did you make any hardware or software changes just before the problem? yes, I understand my son used some kind of reg cleaner but now it's uninstalled. I dont' know how much was erased or "cleaned"

Have you run any antivirus or antispyware scans to see if your system is infected with anything? yes..norton antivirus, adaware, spybot

Have you contacted your ISP to ensure that they aren't experiencing any problems?

yes, all is well, the other computer sharing the wireless connection works well.

it seems that there's something blocking contents from coming in. I have turned off everything like the firewall, pop up blocker, norton to see if it would start working again but to no avail.

thanks for all your help.

Verify: internet explorer -- tools -- internet options -- security --internet -- custom level -- file download is set to enable.

If you still have problems after trying what nanosani suggested, try the following:
- Click "Start"
- Click "Run..."
- Type in "sfc /scannow" and click "OK"
- Let the program run to completion
- Reboot your machine

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