I was looking at building and desinging people there own websites. But when I was thining about it... they would / or I would have to upload it to a server well... what if they dont want to or know how to or want cheaper rates.... well why dont I just build a server and get more $$$...
But I have never built a server before. I have thought about a home one but figured it was not worth the money at the time.
I was on newegg and was "building" a server but came to think of well, what do I need...
Please help...
I would like to have the server running many websites as well. Like 10-50-100 most to all of them being small sites -- 5-10 pages each.
I heard you can change the ip adress to have many sites on one server...can you just change them for even 100 sites? Is it fairly easy to change the ips adresses for them?
Mainly my question is finding a mobo and cpu. Running that many sites, what is my best option? How much memory should it have, what clock speed of cpu's / how many cores, what all should I look for. I found this case and is mainly the one I would like to use. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811182566
Plus I only have buckeye cable for an internet provider (it might be local if you have not heard of it, but is this fine to use if 50 websites are up and visiters are trying to acress each one?
Realistically if I get 10 people sites built and up and running on my server I will probly start to do 1U racks, each running 5 sites a piece give or take, but is this possible on my internet provider and etc....