Ok, well my problem is that my Help and Support center won't open and also Msconfig. When I try and open Help and Support, nothing happens and when I try and open Msconfig, I get an error message saying that "Windows cannot find 'msconfig'. Make sure you typed in the name correctly..." Another problem I'm having is that my Search is disabled. I noticed this when I tried to search for my Msconfig and Help and Support files, but the Search feature doesn't open. Anyone know what can be the cause of this or if there is a fix? Thanks in advance.

Ok, well my problem is that my Help and Support center won't open and also Msconfig. When I try and open Help and Support, nothing happens and when I try and open Msconfig, I get an error message saying that "Windows cannot find 'msconfig'. Make sure you typed in the name correctly..." Another problem I'm having is that my Search is disabled. I noticed this when I tried to search for my Msconfig and Help and Support files, but the Search feature doesn't open. Anyone know what can be the cause of this or if there is a fix? Thanks in advance.

Hm, this site #70 should restore search to the start menu. And re-enable it.

As for MSCONFIG, first lets make sure it on your system
go to


and confirm its there. If it is Let me know. We will go from there.

As for Help and suuport. Just try pressing F1 on keyboard that should open it. If it doesnt let me know.


OK, here's the update. I got my Search feature up and running, and it is confirmed that msconfig is on my system, but I'm still not able to open it through RUN. And about the Help and Support, when you say press F1, when am I supposed to do that? Right when my PC starts up, when I click Help and Support, or just at anytime? And from the link you gave me, I checked out the tweak for Help and Support and applied it, so now when I try and open Help and Support, I get the same type of error message as I was getting with msconfig. So, what should I do now? Thanks for the speedy reply.

OK, here's the update. I got my Search feature up and running, and it is confirmed that msconfig is on my system, but I'm still not able to open it through RUN. And about the Help and Support, when you say press F1, when am I supposed to do that? Right when my PC starts up, when I click Help and Support, or just at anytime? And from the link you gave me, I checked out the tweak for Help and Support and applied it, so now when I try and open Help and Support, I get the same type of error message as I was getting with msconfig. So, what should I do now? Thanks for the speedy reply.


Press the F1 key on your keyboard any time when your system is booted. It is a shortcut to Help and support. As for msconfig. do this

Note this involves the regitry advance at your own risk. if you dont know wahtyour doing the STOP now
Go to "Start">Run>type regedit

then browse as follows.

App Paths

under app paths make sure you see MSCONFIG.EXE . There in alphabetical order so it will be in the M's. If you see a folder that says that. Look to the right. you should see an icon with 'ab' on it and it should be called default. Make sure its value is.


where X is your root drive.

If its there then i am not sure why MSCONFIG does not run.

If its not there then that is why it doesnt run i think. If its not there i have attached a file*. download and run it. When it asks to import to registry. say yes. it should say imported succesfully. you should now be able to run msconfig. By going to start run msconfig.


Ok now that thats done :) you will find the file in the attachment.


THANKS! I got Msconfig running so 2 out of 3 problems fixed. My Help and Support is simply not opening when I press F1, however when I went to My Computer and pressed F1, I got the same Help and Support error message. So, is there a fix for this too? Thanks for all your help so far!

As for HAS i am not sure. I will have to do some research. would you mind sharing how you fixed MSCONFIG incase others have your same problem? thanks


As for HAS i am not sure. I will have to do some research. would you mind sharing how you fixed MSCONFIG incase others have your same problem? thanks


ok sure. whenever someone has a msconfig problem, i'll point them to the registry fix you mentioned.

Type sfc /scannow in the "Run" window with the XP CD in your top CD/DVD drive. Reboot when done.


Type sfc /scannow in the "Run" window with the XP CD in your top CD/DVD drive. Reboot when done.


i don't have the windows XP CD...any other ideas?

Maybe you can borrow an OS CD from a friend..!!

Maybe you can borrow an OS CD from a friend..!!

Or go here and look under "StartMenu\Help and support won't work" That should be able to help you (try the script). Let me know if it fixes it :).


Clcik start>run. Type 'services.msc'. In the Local Services window, scroll to "Help and Support". Double clcik this. Under startup, make sure "Automatic" is selected. Then, click the "start" button below under "Service Status". See if this helps.

Clcik start>run. Type 'services.msc'. In the Local Services window, scroll to "Help and Support". Double clcik this. Under startup, make sure "Automatic" is selected. Then, click the "start" button below under "Service Status". See if this helps.

ok my under Help and Support, automatic is selected and it is already started but i'm still getting the error message.

Or go here and look under "StartMenu\Help and support won't work" That should be able to help you (try the script). Let me know if it fixes it :).


ok, on that website, most of the fixes it has me to do requires the XP cd which I simply don't have and cannot get a hold of. But there is one fix that I have no way of figuring out simply because im a newbie (lol). I was wondering if anyone can walk me through this:
"This script repairs Windows Help and Support
Repairs Windows® XP Help and Support after running Easy Cleaner or similar registry cleaners."

anyone know the steps of how to do this?

thanks for all the help and responses

ok, on that website, most of the fixes it has me to do requires the XP cd which I simply don't have and cannot get a hold of. But there is one fix that I have no way of figuring out simply because im a newbie (lol). I was wondering if anyone can walk me through this:
"This script repairs Windows Help and Support
Repairs Windows® XP Help and Support after running Easy Cleaner or similar registry cleaners."

anyone know the steps of how to do this?

thanks for all the help and responses

I have attahced the scriupt...all you have to do is double click on it. Its in the attachment.


I ran the script but I'm still getting the error that Windows cannot find helpctr.exe. What folder is helpctr.exe supposed to be in? Is there a way for me to download a copy of helpctr.exe and then point my PC to that location? Thanks for all the help you've given me.

look here



Aso run a search on your comp for it. See if that finds it.

i've already been to that website and it deosn't help my situation because it's based on the problem that you can still open Help and Support from a desktop shortcut, yet i can't

and my helpctr.exe is in the right folder but it juss simply will not open. i have no idea why. maybe a virus took it over. i read somewhere that someone had helpctr.exe and it was 500kb but mine is 750 kb. so is that normal?

Go in explorer go to help and click help and support center, see if that opens it. If not lemme know, because then we know your start menu shortcut is messed up. I will work on a script to fix it. Btw did it open when you tried F1

oh and when you say it wont open, it wont open even when you click it right there? If not then yea im sure you have a virus.

try this

When you click Help and Support on the Start menu in Microsoft Windows XP, you may
experience one of the following symptoms:• You receive an error message that is similar
to the following error message:

Windows cannot find HELPCTR.EXE
• The My Computer window appears so that you can locate the HELPCTR.EXE file.


This behavior occurs if a registry key is missing or corrupted.


To resolve this issue, you must modify the registry. To do this, follow these
steps:1. Click Start, click Run, type Regedit, and then click OK.

2. Locate the following registry subkey:


If this registry subkey does not exist, right-click the following registry
subkey, click New, click Key, type HELPCTR.EXE, and then press ENTER:

App Paths

3. In the left pane, click HELPCTR.EXE, in the right pane, right-click
(Default), click Modify, in the Value data box, type
C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\HelpCtr.exe, and then click OK.

4. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer

if that doesnt work. Look around here



try this

When you click Help and Support on the Start menu in Microsoft Windows XP, you may
experience one of the following symptoms:• You receive an error message that is similar
to the following error message:

Windows cannot find HELPCTR.EXE
• The My Computer window appears so that you can locate the HELPCTR.EXE file.


This behavior occurs if a registry key is missing or corrupted.


To resolve this issue, you must modify the registry. To do this, follow these
steps:1. Click Start, click Run, type Regedit, and then click OK.

2. Locate the following registry subkey:


If this registry subkey does not exist, right-click the following registry
subkey, click New, click Key, type HELPCTR.EXE, and then press ENTER:

App Paths

3. In the left pane, click HELPCTR.EXE, in the right pane, right-click
(Default), click Modify, in the Value data box, type
C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\HelpCtr.exe, and then click OK.

4. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer

if that doesnt work. Look around here



thanks but ive already tried these methods and it juss isn't working. you think you can send me a copy of your helpctr.exe?

thanks but ive already tried these methods and it juss isn't working. you think you can send me a copy of your helpctr.exe?

If i am allowed by the mods i will do it....


If i am allowed by the mods i will do it....

There's nothing wrong with giving a replacement copy of a file to another member.
The arrangement is obviously between the two of you though; we (the site) can't assume any responsibility if something goes "Kablooie" due to version mismatches, file corruption, etc.

Thanks DMR, bbb2k4life PM when you want it.

O yea i also can't be held responsible ethier bbb2k4life...If somthing does go wrong


O yea i also can't be held responsible ethier bbb2k4life...If somthing does go wrong

#include <disclaimer.h>.

lol DMR, i will just post it in the morning.


thanks, i already Pm'd you with my request

Hm, i dont think i got it. I will send it soon. Not sure why i wouldnt get it though?



if you have msconfig up and running, go to start, run and type in msconfig. the system configuration utility will appear. from there click on the services tab. scroll down and look for help and support services (or something like that i can't remember). tick the box next to it and click ok. you will get a message saying 'you must restart your computer for the changes to take effect'. click restart now or restart the computer. when you get back on you will get a box saying 'you have used the system confguration......etc etc. tick the box at the bottom to make sure it doesn't start every time you log on. that should fix it.

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