Today as most of new windows are coming from Microsoft (Vista, Seven, etc) and Xp is going to be expire (in 2014). The main cause of ending of XP is "Low Security". Following are some Tricks to raise a little more security on your XP.

1. Immediately create a System Restore Point after Fresh installation of windows XP.
2. After Installation of XP Create two User Accounts (1 Password protected Account with administrative privileges and second Limited Account for your regular use. If you ant to create more user accounts so also create them "Limited")
3. Disable Autoruns. (See This post For Further info on

Ok now i am going to explain why to do all this.

1.Create System Restore:-
If you use XP so you have to reinstall XP many times due to many causes like: Virus Problem, Slowdown of PC, Installed Two Much Software, Windows Not Working Correctly, Windows Files Corrupted, Etc etc etc. By creating restore after a fresh install of XP, you will be able to solve these problems without re-installing windows and get the felling of newly installed OS.

2.Create Limited Account:
By creating limited account your security will raise to next level. Because of many restrictions in windows XP, Many Viruses will be unable to change/Modify/Delete you windows files and they will also unable to harm your Computer

3.Disable Autoruns.
Today almost everybody know that what is a Autorun.inf file? And Autorun is the major Source of spreading of Viruses. By Disabling Autorun, you will be able to get Protected from Many Viruses

Please Tell me if there are more ways to raise security in XP.

Warning: Use All These Tricks at your own Risk. I am not responsible for any kind of harm on you PC. Be-sure to check comments before applying these tricks

Please tell me if there are negative factors of these tricks (I am saying this because i am not sure about Step 1. I have created Sys-Restore after installing my XP [4 years ago] and i haven't re-installed my OS or used system restore after that because my PC works fine)

Please tell me if there are negative factors of these tricks (I am saying this because i am not sure about Step 1. I have created Sys-Restore after installing my XP [4 years ago] and i haven't re-installed my OS or used system restore after that because my PC works fine)

Step one is not accurate - Really won't help you to recover from a significant malware infestation.

In all honesty, I would recommend buying a 2nd hard drive (they are cheap these days) and running a clone of your OS. That is what I do and it has made life much easier...

In fact, just last week my 8 year old Dell threw one of those nasty config\system corrupted errors and would not boot. The solution is usually to boot the XP disk and run a repair. I could have done that, but I'd have been forced to use an 8 year old system.exe and that would've presented a hassle (lots of updating).

Instead, I just wiped the drive and installed a fresh clone from my drive of backups.

Also, I recommend NOT using a separate partition as your main backup in the event of disk failure. But, if you've got the disk space, regular backups to a "backup partition" makes this system even more convenient....

Cheers :)

Firstly, Thanks for reply.

The steps that you told us are "Must need to be taken" steps. I would personally recommend to all users of XP (Not just Xp, But Vista ,7 and Linux users too)to backup their OS> if they dont want to buy a new HDD so Instead of Buying a new Hard Drive they can clone their Existing OS on a CD or a DVD.. Isn't it useful?, and it will save their money and time both.

Secondly, These kind of viruses (like system.exe, New Folder.exe, My Music.exe, Pictures.exe, HomeVideo.avi.exe) spread through autorun. That's why disabling aurotun will disable all these viruses. And i have also told to Use "Limited Accounts". These Viruses only activate and perform action in account with "Admin Privileges" they are disabled or deactivated in "Limited Account". Because of restrictions of "Limited Account" they can't change the system files. (The main cause of survival of these Viruses). So if you use "Limited Account" the sys-restore will be as powerfull as you want.

I am about 99% sure that you have used a account Admin Privileges (When this virus is activated) and that's why System Restore and Automatic-Updates couldn't help to remove these viruses

Step one is not accurate - Really won't help you to recover from a significant malware infestation.

In all honesty, I would recommend buying a 2nd hard drive (they are cheap these days) and running a clone of your OS. That is what I do and it has made life much easier...

In fact, just last week my 8 year old Dell threw one of those nasty config\system corrupted errors and would not boot. The solution is usually to boot the XP disk and run a repair. I could have done that, but I'd have been forced to use an 8 year old system.exe and that would've presented a hassle (lots of updating).

Instead, I just wiped the drive and installed a fresh clone from my drive of backups.

Also, I recommend NOT using a separate partition as your main backup in the event of disk failure. But, if you've got the disk space, regular backups to a "backup partition" makes this system even more convenient....

Cheers :)

Firstly, Thanks for reply.

The steps that you told us are "Must need to be taken" steps. I would personally recommend to all users of XP (Not just Xp, But Vista ,7 and Linux users too)to backup their OS> if they dont want to buy a new HDD so Instead of Buying a new Hard Drive they can clone their Existing OS on a CD or a DVD.. Isn't it useful?, and it will save their money and time both.

Secondly, These kind of viruses (like system.exe, New Folder.exe, My Music.exe, Pictures.exe, HomeVideo.avi.exe) spread through autorun. That's why disabling aurotun will disable all these viruses. And i have also told to Use "Limited Accounts". These Viruses only activate and perform action in account with "Admin Privileges" they are disabled or deactivated in "Limited Account". Because of restrictions of "Limited Account" they can't change the system files. (The main cause of survival of these Viruses). So if you use "Limited Account" the sys-restore will be as powerfull as you want.

I am about 99% sure that you have used a account Admin Privileges (When this virus is activated) and that's why System Restore and Automatic-Updates couldn't help to remove these viruses

striker_1 you are 100% wrong about System Restore. System Restore actually operates only on a very few system files and settings. System Restore backs up your registry. System Restore does not backup your data. If you delete or damage a file, System Restore will not recover it.
System Restore will NOT uninstall a program. In fact if you have installed a program and find you don't want it if you use System Restore it may leave you with much of the program but it just won't be listed in Add/Remove, making it much harder to uninstall. System Restore does not keep old copies of your files or settings. If you're looking for an "old version" of a file or program that you used to have on your machine, System Restore isn't going to have it. System Restore does not fix your system. So if your computer crashes and needs to be repaired System Restore will not repair it.System Restore will NOT uninstall a program and this includes an infection. You have to look at an infection as a bad program. It won't remove it, it may only remove the footprints you need to FIND the infection. In Addition, there is absolutely no way to know for sure WHEN the infection entered the computer.
Updating a computer is also NOT going to remove an infection, it is only going to update an infected computer, likely infecting those newly updated files also.

HEy, Thanks for the Information Brother... I was thinking really wrong about System Restore... :(

striker_1 you are 100% wrong about System Restore. System Restore actually operates only on a very few system files and settings. System Restore backs up your registry. System Restore does not backup your data. If you delete or damage a file, System Restore will not recover it.
System Restore will NOT uninstall a program. In fact if you have installed a program and find you don't want it if you use System Restore it may leave you with much of the program but it just won't be listed in Add/Remove, making it much harder to uninstall. System Restore does not keep old copies of your files or settings. If you're looking for an "old version" of a file or program that you used to have on your machine, System Restore isn't going to have it. System Restore does not fix your system. So if your computer crashes and needs to be repaired System Restore will not repair it.System Restore will NOT uninstall a program and this includes an infection. You have to look at an infection as a bad program. It won't remove it, it may only remove the footprints you need to FIND the infection. In Addition, there is absolutely no way to know for sure WHEN the infection entered the computer.
Updating a computer is also NOT going to remove an infection, it is only going to update an infected computer, likely infecting those newly updated files also.

You really need to know what you are posting before giving advice.

Just one more little question about system restore.. If all things that you are saying is right so why many softwares create System Restore Before Installation? (specially Anti-virus or Anti-malware softwares)

striker_1 you are 100% wrong about System Restore. System Restore actually operates only on a very few system files and settings. System Restore backs up your registry. System Restore does not backup your data. If you delete or damage a file, System Restore will not recover it.
System Restore will NOT uninstall a program. In fact if you have installed a program and find you don't want it if you use System Restore it may leave you with much of the program but it just won't be listed in Add/Remove, making it much harder to uninstall. System Restore does not keep old copies of your files or settings. If you're looking for an "old version" of a file or program that you used to have on your machine, System Restore isn't going to have it. System Restore does not fix your system. So if your computer crashes and needs to be repaired System Restore will not repair it.System Restore will NOT uninstall a program and this includes an infection. You have to look at an infection as a bad program. It won't remove it, it may only remove the footprints you need to FIND the infection. In Addition, there is absolutely no way to know for sure WHEN the infection entered the computer.
Updating a computer is also NOT going to remove an infection, it is only going to update an infected computer, likely infecting those newly updated files also.

They want you to have a copy of the REGISTRY prior to changes made. But as I said, it backs up only a very FEW files. It doesn't back up your data it doesn't back up programs it backs up a very few registry files. It WILL never remove a program, uncluding infections. It also is meant to be used to only go back a few DAYS never weeks. It only holds so much and as it fills up old points are automatically deleted. When working to remove infections leave it alone. Don't touch it at all until the system is clean. Then turn it off to wipe out all old entries. Then turn it back on so points are all clean. Leave it alone.
As I said earlier, before offering advice you really and truly need to know and understand the advice you are giving. Giving wrong advice can seriously damage a person's computer. So you need to know what you are saying is 100% correct, in other words if you aren't certain of that then don't post.

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