Okay the problem started about a week ago, when out of the blue, when I clicked on Inetpub folder, I got the following message:"C:\inetpub is not accessible".

I have not changed the permissions or touched anything that would cause this. I am the administrator and am logged in as such.

I tried to change the permissions to allow everyone full access. After I would check the boxes and hit apply, the checks would diappear and all would remain the same.

So, I thought maybe the best thing to do was uninstall and reinstall IIS. I thought that the folder structure for IIS would be deleted and recreated.

But no. Inetpub remained with the same inaccessibility. So when I went to reinstall IIS, the installer was unable to access inetpub, and therefore unable to install certain files.

Now when I access the website at http://workstation/ the php code no longer works.

I have spent six months building this complex intranet system, which I can't access or get to work anymore.

Any help or suggestions is more than I have and will be appreciated.

I cannot find any info on Microsoft website related to any problems I have experienced.

I am at my wits end and don't know what to do


Does anyone even use this forum??????

I wish I could help you, but alas, just an Apache user. :(

Is it possible it is a disk error as opposed to an IIS error? Perhaps something that Chkdsk (or something more sophisticated) would fix? While the directory isn't available, can you right click on the directory in Explorer and choose Properties to see how many files and bytes are contained in the directory? What about copying and pasting the directory somewhere else? (To at least salvage your PHP files)?

It seems to me that right now your main priority is to salvage all of your php files contained within the directory, and once you know you at least have them, then to use them to get the Intranet back up and working.

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