I have windows xp 2003, Installed the free version of avg 2011. Was told Microsoft Essentials was so much better so wanted to try it. Thought I downloaded it, but now I can't find it. To top it off, can't remove avg, keeps telling me that there is an error & it gives me the option to try again or close. The try again does the same thing. I downloaded CCleaner & it is no longer free, so it did not give me the option to remove avg either but did show that avg is working.
Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

ccleaner still has a free version you just missed the link on there website ,they hide it a bit lower down the page .

you may need to reinstall avg to correct it ,and then try unstalling it

Got it fixed!! Thanks!! Had to reinstall it as you said & then re-uninstall it! Ugh!!!
As for Ccleaner, I did install the free version, but now it only cleans your recycle & just a few temps, now you have to pay for the full version to complete all the cleaning it used to do.
Is there another program like CCleaner that is totally free & as good?? Thanks!!!!!!!

I have the latest version of CCleaner [as on the link caper posted, .1457]; it cleans at least as well as earlier versions, is free, is still configurable. Mine I configure to clean Java caches etc., and other temp files that I have moved.

CC cleaner or Tuneup utilities can be very helpful. Another way, have your try to log in safe mode and try to instability the software?

CC cleaner or Tuneup utilities can be very helpful. Another way, have your try to log in safe mode and try to instability the software?

Or even uninstall it, maybe.

AVG has a function ti uninstall it. OR reinstall AVG and use the uninstall function. If that does not work, last option. Drag it to the trash and empty it securely.

reinstall AVG and use the uninstall function.

OP all ready reinstalled it and uninstalled it successfully! as they stated in there last post

lol, i did not even notice that. Thanks for reminding Caperjack

The problem is already solved.

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