Hello everyone
there is a problem regarding setup files in windows 7.
some setup files don't run. I mean the box of administrator permission comes and after clicking OK processing pointer shows up but the actual program does not start. Please tell me some solution regarding this. This is not a virus problem at all because I am running Quick Heal registered copy at my home. Please help

I had a similiar problem where the set up on my 64 bit would not run.

The reason was that I had installed 32 bit version via reformat from XP. OK so far so good. However my 'update' version ' to 64 bit MUST be done on a clean hard drive (or ? partition) The home premium will not run the set up if you are trying to update a previous version. I know MS says it can be done from vista but my tame MS engineer guru says the setup file will not do the business! Youhave to use the transfer updating files instead!

i did not get it
please explain

basically win 7 needs to be a clean install onto an empty disk. If you are using it from vista then it takes the 'a

you have to do a clkean install if you aree updating from 32 to 64 bit (either from vista or from win 7 32. It has to install onto a clean non used but formatted hard disk partiion.
If you update from vista 64 or 32 to win 7 64 or 32 (only in that
order ie 64 to 64 etc) then you can do an update biut it does work better if it is a clean install.

ie best way is to save a

you can only do an upgrade from vista 32 to win 7 32 or from vista 64 to win 7 64 bit depending on your computer. ANY other upgrade using an 'upgrade' windows will not work (the set up file does not run) unless you are installing onto a clean disk.

Win 7 prefers a clean disk and XP will NOT (unless you use the transfer and sa

sorry got distracted xp wont upgrade has to do a clean win 7 install.
(unless in all above cases you buy full version but that always needs a clean install onto clean HD

Hello everyone
there is a problem regarding setup files in windows 7.
some setup files don't run. I mean the box of administrator permission comes and after clicking OK processing pointer shows up but the actual program does not start. Please tell me some solution regarding this. This is not a virus problem at all because I am running Quick Heal registered copy at my home. Please help

double check version (32bit/64bit) windows 7 32bit 7 will not load 64bit setup files, get back to us on this? later.

correct! You can only update 32 bit to 32 bit and 64 bit to 64 bit. No mixing
The only way I could do was as follows:
winxp32 to win 7 32 (this is a clean install not an update though it will keep files if you use the transfer options)
Then win 7 32 to win 7 64 and this also must be a clean install. (ie the disk has to be formatted with nothing on it!) you can then bring back the data files from previous versions but not programs They have to be reinstalled

See the Microsoft website re win 7 installation.

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