Anyone notice that Chrome consumes all of your memory and then your virtual memory when you have one to many tabs open ? I don't know if this is the case with Chrome 12 but with Chrome 10 it happened quite frequently, has this been fixed ?

I'd like to switch from FireFox to Chrome as I have found FireFox 4/5 not to to my liking.

Some sort of memory leak by the sounds of things.
Have you considered trying Opera?

Opera rocks. Opera is pretty much use for faster browsing. It is lightweight thus faster than other browsers like chrome and firefox and internet explorer. But it does not have much features at the above three browsers. It is only use to search the web fast, if you open a lot of tab using opera it will crash very often. If you want browser that do not want to take up to many space you can always search the net for it. There are a lot out there but they lack good features to keep your laptop safe.

Opera, naaa at this stage after using FireFox I want a cleaner U.I and a browser with some of the features of Firefox built in.

Opera, naaa at this stage after using FireFox I want a cleaner U.I and a browser with some of the features of Firefox built in.

You're funny. FF has to use add-ons that Opera has built in-to it's browser.

Opera rocks. Opera is pretty much use for faster browsing. It is lightweight thus faster than other browsers like chrome and firefox and internet explorer. But it does not have much features at the above three browsers. It is only use to search the web fast, if you open a lot of tab using opera it will crash very often. If you want browser that do not want to take up to many space you can always search the net for it. There are a lot out there but they lack good features to keep your laptop safe.

jingda, you are even funnier. You need to research a little more before you make statements like that.
Opera has had multi tabs for longer than most browsers and I have not had ANY crashes due to have too many open at once.
No features? Again, research your info.

Well, I use Opera on my laptop and it often crash when i have too many tabs. Around 10 or 12. And the problem usually occurs after i quickly toggle between tabs.

Oops, it seems like my version is outdated that is why it lacked so many features:D

I may give Opera a try although I do like Chromes U.I. You guys are loyal Opera users.

I have opera but not my primary browser, you can give it a try first.

I've been using Opera exclusively for over 8 years. Yes, it has had it's problems, but don't they all?
You can customise the UI to suit your fancy and also use a different skin. I use the Breeze Simplified skin which gives you more screen real estate and looks a whole lot better than the default.

I'll consider Opera, in my decision making. I will always keep FireFox on the side but not for my main day-to-day browsing.

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