I am running Windows 7 32bit. Recently an odd issue has occurred.

I have internet, and programs such as Steam, that utilize the internet, can connect and load its pages.

However, three main web browsers I have, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer don't work.

Specifically- They sit on a loading page, as if I had a very slow connection. They don't stop and say "page cannot be loaded" or anything. They simply continue to load. But never finish. Blank pages.

However, a suggestion from a friend, I downloaded and used Pale Moon. This web browser CAN access the web, and allow me to browse.

I'm wondering if this is some kind of software issue in my machine, possibly a hidden hijacker virus? If it is, it doesn't seem to be doing anything but not letting me use the internet on those three browsers.

I have a computer downstairs, and its main browser is google chrome, and it browses fine, so it must be my machine.
I have also tried to google search this, and ran through many forums but, it seems it's so specific and issue I can't really tell if the post answers would be relevant or useful in my situation.

Please help! Sure I can browse the web now, but I'd like to know if I'm at serious risk here.

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Did you check the lan and proxy settings for Internet Explorer? Most browsers by default use Internet Explorer settings unless you manually change them.

Here are details on how to do this:

Firefox will have this under "Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Settings button (under "Connection')

Chrome will have this under the Tool button -->Preferences-->Under the Hood-->Network

You might have to re-run the connection setup wizard in Internet Explorer to make sure Windows is configured for a direct connection.


Did you have any other internet-related programs working on background besides steam?

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