I'm trying to script a deep freeze thaw with deep freeze 6. I have 400+ computers to thaw then remove deepfreeze from, I DO NOT want to do this manually!

I use the DFC.exe that is on the system and use the


It will always result in

"Internal Error Executing Command"

It doesn't matter what system I run it on, fresh install of xp, win 7, etc... Same issues.
Any ideas experts?


I'm not one to refer people to other sites normally, but in this case: Let me know how this works out for you


I've been through all of this already and it only applies to older versions of DF. I tried creating an automated winPE disk to do this all with a single script that ran on boot of the disk but it just resulted in the system not correctly booting.

Thanks though.

ok i'll look into something else :)

don't give up now.. I'm on the job... I'll have something for you by tomorrow evening i'd browse now but i've been up for 40 hours on 3 hours of sleep from the previous 24... gotta give to gain though

ok i'll look into something else :)

don't give up now.. I'm on the job... I'll have something for you by tomorrow evening i'd browse now but i've been up for 40 hours on 3 hours of sleep from the previous 24... gotta give to gain though

I'm in the same boat buddy, I'll update you if I make headway. I'm working with Faronics directly on the issue too, not so much help yet but maybe.

Does anybody have an update for this? My network is experiencing this as well.

Okay, I don't know if this was anybody else's problem, but apparently dfc uses a different password from the Workstation password. In order to use the DFC's password-protected commands, you need to set a Command-Line password for the client in DF Admin.

Yes, DFC will probably have a different password. It is not set by default so if you did not set a command line password for deepfreeze it will not work. If you set a different password for DFC you need to use it to run commandline commands. Often commandline access to deepfreeze is turned off but it is quite useful for IT staff and is often set but is usually different than the GUI password for obvious reasons.

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