Our computer has a 6g hard drive and I just reformated it a couple of days ago. It had been running slow and saying that it had low disk space. So after I reinstalled Windows XP and as I was installing the various drivers I was watching to see how much disk space was left empty. It had like 2.5g of free space. Then today I noticed that it was back to about 415 mgs of free space left. So I deleted all unnecessary programs which leaves it with just the drivers, the virus protector, web browers, flash player, and some files that look like they are necessary for Windows. That adds up to less than 300 mgs and there are no documents or pictures on it yet.
I downloaded and ran WinDirStat and it looks like what is taking up the most space (other than Windows which takes up half of the space) is a file called pagefile.sys. Can anyone tell me what this is and if I can safely delete it? Thank you for your help.