I use IE7 on win XP sp3

From today I get this annoying msg (pic is attached) everytime I open a new tab,

(It is not possible to be saved, since it finds nothing)

How is it possible to get rid of that?


I have that too but after some times it started to disapear. Have you try using other browser and going to other websites. When you open a new tab, what webpage does it show? Do a virus scan first.

I have that too but after some times it started to disapear. Have you try using other browser and going to other websites. When you open a new tab, what webpage does it show? Do a virus scan first.

After reinstalling the IE twice, the problem was solved

First i am glad that your problem is solved and by you yourself. But the funny thing is why does reinstalling the IE twice solved the problem, i thought one time should be enough but well since your problem is solved no point bothering it again.

Have you try other good browsers too? Just asking.

It could be something wrong with the add-on or IE mess up. It always be.

IE such an unreliable browser even with newer IE... IE also binds with windows so if something wrong happen inside windows, IE also goes haywire with it...

...It could be that you need shock wave to view the site, and should run it...

Dude, the poster have already solved his/her problem by reinstalling IE twice. The problem is a random and has nothing to do with shockwave. Shockwave done give you message like this. If a website require you to have shockwave to run it, it will show a blank box and at the bottom there is a link to download the latest shockwave player.

Your a moron, I know the problem is solved now, I'm saying it perhaps simply have been solved by clicking run.

And where is the run option?

First i am glad that your problem is solved and by you yourself. But the funny thing is why does reinstalling the IE twice solved the problem, i thought one time should be enough but well since your problem is solved no point bothering it again.

Have you try other good browsers too? Just asking.

It was solved after the second installation only, Why, I have no idea.

Yes I'm using also the fox 4 , chrom and opera. Each is better on some other thing for me.

It could be something wrong with the add-on or IE mess up. It always be.

IE such an unreliable browser even with newer IE... IE also binds with windows so if something wrong happen inside windows, IE also goes haywire with it...

I do really think you are right

If the problems lies with the add on, you can always go to the add on preference and check and disable those you do not want to use. Alternatively, you can use other good browsers out there too.

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