
I have windows xp professional, cpu 2.53 GHz, 2.53 GHz, 1.24 GB ram. I am having a heck of a time trying to download music to my pc. I have several playlists on utube but I'm unable to transfer them to windows media player. I also thought I could visit an internet radio site and copy music from there but, no. I've just now downloaded itunes from where I'm going to give it a try. Is there an easy method of acquiring music, ie. downloading music for dummies or do I have to actually purchase cd's etc.?

By the way, I tried video piggy to transfer utube videos to my pc but I must have done something wrong because I kept getting an error message (10,000)

Can anyone out there help?

Thank you


Songs are copyrighted and as such, need to be purchased. If you use iTunes, then you will need to purchase them through the iTunes store, where you can then download the music paid for.

I agree with Crunchie above. Downloading music without the singer permission is considred illegal. If you have a dics of the music you can easily burn to itunes. Downloading music to PC have to depends on what country you live in. In such counries they allow you to rip the whole album but most countries do not. So you have to check that first.

I just downloaded Imesh who state one can download free music legally. I hope this is true because I tried one and it seems to work beautifully

That is legal and you can download music using it.

Thanks for the info. It just seems too good to be true; to have access to all that music, for free!

Although in some countries it is legal and the governemnt have approved of the software i still recommend buying the dics. If you are a fan of the Singer, it will never beats having the dics than downloading it. You can always show off the disc to your friends or keep it and show it to your children next time telling them you were a great fan of the singer. That feeling cannot be describe. That is unless you want to spend money buying the CD.

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