I am installing Window xp.3(Text mode) out of 5 steps are working fine.But at 4th step i found below error:
When installing GUI mode i am getting below errors
Need help

Fatal error
An error has been encountered that prevents setup from continuing
One of the component that windows needs to continue set up could not installed.
The specified resource type can not be found in the image file.

error details:

System setuplog(c:/windows/setuperr.log)
Installation failed:f\1386\asns
error message:the specified resource type can not be found in the image file
Fatal error
One of the component that windows need to continue set up could not be installed.The specified resource type can not be found in the image file.

Try googling "i386\asms". You are not robinson crusoe... :)
Anyway, just hit Ok and see if Setup runs on.

Try googling "i386\asms". You are not robinson crusoe... :)
Anyway, just hit Ok and see if Setup runs on.

When i press ok.it restarted again n again.
Previously i installed windows 7.
Please give me suggestion.

sir if your problem in intalling windows xp..
that error that you encounter my be your dicks is a problem try to change a good dicks...

try another installation disk...will work

Took me a while to realise that bats may not have meant to be crude.. :)
Quite funny...


There is a problem with the Disk you are using to install XP ,Use another XP OS disk and try installing OS .It will work.

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