hi! everybody
I'm a newbie to this site i accidentally came through this site and found it really helpful for IT students thus thought of sharing my view and asking you guys for some help in my project I'm an engineering final year student of comp science. Igot to do a project for now, i tried searching for ideas online but was not satisfied but finally came up with an idea in voice recognition,but I'm not sure if this project already exsists so can any one please help me in sorting out this issue??
My project idea is:
using our voice as the gateway for the os that is the making windows protected with putting our voice as a password.Imean once we login with our user account then the os got to work on our voice command and no body else should be able to use our system??
hope this information will be sufficient for giving me a solution.if not I'm try to make it much clear for you.i oblize you to try and help me out in this issue or you can feel free to give me some project ideas that would be really kind of you and will be a great help
thank you in advance

I had worked on a similar project some years back, as far as I can tell (unless changes have happened), there were no ready-made projects as such, and I had to develop it from scratch using MatLab software. I found an SDK here which could be useful to you: http://www.voicerecognition.com/products/dragon/developersuite.html
But I believe it is best you investigate and come up with your own software for this, of course you will need some prebuilt dlls or sdks as well if you want to integrate it with windows, mine was for a VB application

thank you lordrt but can you tell me if this kind of project exist i'm actually planning to start it all by my own i mean i want to do it all by myself but not sure if such a project exists

Am not sure, like I said before, I had to go in depth with MatLab to do my own project (with the use of Hidden Markov Model toolbox + Voicebox), but I think on google I found something called WinDentify, which is for Windows logon, try to google it and see, but its not freeware. Can give this link a try as well http://www.loquendo.com/en/products/speaker-verification/

I know that Microsoft does provide Speech Recognition engine with Windows, where it can be used in apps like MS Word, but not suitable for your purpose.

See also this link for some examples in MatLab:

Sorry if am not helping too much, the said project I developed was a university one, and I've almost lost track of the processes I did in it :)

@lordrt you no need to be sorry u have actually helped me to a great extent i din know how n where to start now i got an idea how to do it thank you for the information.:) but just in case you get some additional information or new news let me know it would be really helpful for my project

can u please send me one of ur software's copy when its developed at [snipped] plz plz plz i would really appreciate it. I am also looking for such kind of software but didnt find any. And i am not so good in making softwares by myself.

Me too searching for this software. Windows voice login password. Login to my PC with my voice.

.lordrt can i ask any help about voice recognition use as paasword for mobiles? please. badly needed

Hai Sravya first of all congrates to ur idea
let me know had u complete ur project

hello i am avinash i am studying diploma i am much intrested in ur project can u plz help me to kown how ur project works can u plz contact me through my gmail (mnasprasad@gmail.com)

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