Ok. Win XP Pro, SP2. On asking (telling, pleading with) the computer to shut down, it goes through the usual log out and saving settings screens and then restarts. Not consistently...Oh no. About 3 in 5 shutdown attempts result in this obnoxious behaviour. I HAVEN'T got "Automatically restart on error" checked, and on Googling the problem, can't find a lot of suggestions...can anyone help please?? Much appreciated if you could.

Cheers and Beers

Fire An' Ice

Im sorry your post was confusing.

Can you word that a little different so i can understand what you are talking about?

Ok. Win XP Pro, SP2. On asking (telling, pleading with) the computer to shut down, it goes through the usual log out and saving settings screens and then restarts. Not consistently...Oh no. About 3 in 5 shutdown attempts result in this obnoxious behaviour. I HAVEN'T got "Automatically restart on error" checked, and on Googling the problem, can't find a lot of suggestions...can anyone help please?? Much appreciated if you could.

Cheers and Beers

Fire An' Ice

My mates PC does the same, when the PC shuts down, for no reason what so ever the PC re-boots itself, we too have looked on Google for solutions to this eratic behaviour but found nothing, so we would also like some assistance on this issue aswell, Thanks, gas1883.

Where is this "Automatically restart on error" box situated?

my old computer does this as well. sometimes i shut it off and about 10 minutes later it turns itself back on. I never found out why either. (its not a big deal for me since no body ever uses that computer, its just a mystery why it does it.)

Take a look here if you have Roxio 5 on XP

If you have a logitech trackball, search around, there was some problems in the past with the trackball I believe that would cause the problem. I have also read before about Windows Washer causing that problem.

If you run the PC in safe mode does it shut off properly?

commented: good answer +2

Drew - What I was trying to ask was why my computer automatically restarts instead of shutting down? Sorry to be confusing and all :s.

However, I found the solution to my problem...The restarts were caused by the bluetooth dongle I had installed in one of the free internal USB 2.0 ports. Removed the dongle, and the machine shuts down fine.

gas1883 - The "Automatically Restart on error" is located in System properties/advanced tab/startup and recovery settings. Unchecking this will mean that if windows encounters an error, instead of getting itself into a restart cycle, it'll show you a BSOD ("And this is a good thing?" I hear you ask) with the error code displayed instead.

Thanks to Rasputinj for your suggestion...:)

Cheers and Beers


Drew - What I was trying to ask was why my computer automatically restarts instead of shutting down? Sorry to be confusing and all :s.

However, I found the solution to my problem...The restarts were caused by the bluetooth dongle I had installed in one of the free internal USB 2.0 ports. Removed the dongle, and the machine shuts down fine.

gas1883 - The "Automatically Restart on error" is located in System properties/advanced tab/startup and recovery settings. Unchecking this will mean that if windows encounters an error, instead of getting itself into a restart cycle, it'll show you a BSOD ("And this is a good thing?" I hear you ask) with the error code displayed instead.

Thanks to Rasputinj for your suggestion...:)

Cheers and Beers


I thought it might be something like that, glad to hear you tracked it down. It is always a good idea to start stripping your system when you have problems.To help troubleshoot it.

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