My pc will not startup and run normally. I receive a message on power up "that windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt <windows root>/system 32 hal.dll please re-install a copy of the above file".

I made an ms-dos startup disk from another PC. I put the floppy in the tainted pc and now have an c:\> prompt, but I have no idea what to do next, please advise.

You need your operating system cd.

You have to put the cd in, disconnect any USB devices from your computer and take the floppy out and then restart. When it says "Press any key to boot from the cd.." hit enter.

From this point on you will have to wait a couple of minutes. Then you will get to a screen that says: "To setup windows xp now hit Enter" so do that.

Then you have to agree with the license agreement by hitting F8

Then on the next screen you will be asked if you want to repair. Hit R to repair.

The repair will take up to 40 minutes.

Hope it works.

I purchased the pc used with the software already loaded, an other options. Can I copy a file from my other win xp pc and install?

Thnks so much for you time

The hal.dll file is created during install from 5 other dlls. HAL is the Hardware Abstraction Layer and it's the interface between the system drivers and the actual hardware.

Copying hal.dll will not resolve the problem.

A lot of times the file will be reported missing due to corruption of the boot sector or of the file system. However for the commands that will fix that you will still need a copy of the Windows XP cd.

If your computer is made by an Original Equipment Manufacturer like Dell for example you could contact them for a copy of the cd.

Here is a more comprehensive article on Hal.dll errors:

Sometimes hal.dll can be recreated. But, chances are, you're looking at a deeper issue, as those described in the great link gemini4 provided. Or, you could even be looking at hardware failure-- the drive itself could be bad, or the filesystem could be damaged.

Best thing to do is acquire a Windows XP disc for your system, and try to run something like CHKDSK from recovery console, or get some hardware diagnostic programs for your system. At the very worst, you're going to need an XP disc, still, because you'll soon be faced with an OS reinstall in light of few other options.

Most of the time for a Hal.dll issue I run a chkdsk /R, if that does not work, I test out the drive and a great deal of the time I have a bad drive, after that I will run the repair install.

You need your operating system cd.

You have to put the cd in, disconnect any USB devices from your computer and take the floppy out and then restart. When it says "Press any key to boot from the cd.." hit enter.

From this point on you will have to wait a couple of minutes. Then you will get to a screen that says: "To setup windows xp now hit Enter" so do that.

Then you have to agree with the license agreement by hitting F8

Then on the next screen you will be asked if you want to repair. Hit R to repair.

The repair will take up to 40 minutes.

Hope it works.

if I follow your instructions will I have to reinstall all the programs that I had on the system?

I'd try a memtest first, too, just in case (especially since it doesn't involve waiting through a complete Windows install). I can actually cause this error on my media machine by putting in this one stick of RAM I have that is known-bad. Make a memtest floppy or CD-ROM, boot to it, and let it run for at least 3 hours. If there is even one error, one of your memory modules is faulty.

As stated below please supply me with solution.

My pc will not startup and run normally. I receive a message on power up "that windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt <windows root>/system 32 hal.dll please re-install a copy of the above file".

I made an ms-dos startup disk from another PC. I put the floppy in the tainted pc and now have an c:\> prompt, but I have no idea what to do next, please advise.


I have the same problem, but I do not have the reboot disk, mine is only a small netbook with windows XP I just bought the damned thing a few months (3 months ago)..Please someone HELP ME!! I am not sure what I should do....If you can help me e-mail me at



I have the same problem, but I do not have the reboot disk, mine is only a small netbook with windows XP I just bought the damned thing a few months (3 months ago)..Please someone HELP ME!! I am not sure what I should do....If you can help me e-mail me at


no need to double post,and hijack another post ,stick to the post you created !

It would be nice if someone knew the answer to this problem . We cannot download anything as we can't get past the black screen with the message on about a missing 32 file, Also I do NOT have the OS disk , it was pre-installed by Dell.

It would be nice if someone knew the answer to this problem . We cannot download anything as we can't get past the black screen with the message on about a missing 32 file, Also I do NOT have the OS disk , it was pre-installed by Dell.

hi,because you have no disk, the the solution for you is take your computer to a good computer repair shop

same error of hal.dll.
tried to follow steps given by gemini4.
i tried the xp cd buh buh cudnt load it..
pllzz help.urgent
(can't go to a repair shop)

Start your own thread. Please give us a lot more information.
How did you try to do a repair from OS CD?
What happens when you do try?
What is your main problem?
What is your PC?
The more information you supply the better chance of us helping you OK.

same error of hal.dll.
tried to follow steps given by gemini4.
i tried the xp cd buh buh cudnt load it..
pllzz help.urgent
(can't go to a repair shop)

Hi, Since I couldn't afford the megabucks wanted by the repair shop, I bought a used OS CD and a drivers CD from eBay and installed from scratch, took about 2 hours and cost just over £20.00. Result success.

Good news, please, next time open a new thread for your problems, OK.

this is in connection with the response for pc boot failure when i used my xp cd. yes so far i understand how to boot but what if my keyboard doesnot respond when i hit enter. i have since change the key board and the same thing happens could u tell me what am i doing wroug?

this is in connection with the response for pc boot failure when i used my xp cd. yes so far i understand how to boot but what if my keyboard doesnot respond when i hit enter. i have since change the key board and the same thing happens could u tell me what am i doing wroug?

hi welcome to Daniweb ,You have hijacked a old on going thread .
please read the member rules and after that start your own thread and give as much info you can as to what you are doing and what error if have .
read rules thanks .

i have a problem with my lap top and when i i installed the windows cd it gives an error missing or corrupt <windows root>/system 32 hal.dll and stuck i need to get solution for that

To solve this issue you can swop the corrupt file with a good one from another PC. But there is a problem. According to your previous posts, as if you are not good at DOS command. If you can get a copy of WinPE then you would fine it is very easy and amazing to finish this swopping operation. On other hand, if you can't get WinPE. Let me know, I would like to how you how finish this swopping operation in DOS environment. You still can fine the instruction about Copy command in DOS environment by Google. Below is a brief sample FYI:
First copy a hal.dll file to your boot floopy frome a good PC. then boot your NG PC with this floopy. Whe the "A:\" show up on your screen:

A:\ copy hal.dll C:\windows\system32\

(A:\command file-name destination)

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