I downloaded a system information program - SIW which I have attached to this post. All the components of my computer are listed in the left pane and when one of them is highlighted, the details are listed in the right pane. When I look at the information regarding memory, it shows that "wrong values reported by BIOS" and naturally, this has me worried. How can I fix it so that the "right values are reported by BIOS"?

Can someone help me with this please?

Thank you


The first thing I can see looking at the report is that you have two different speed and size chips in the system. Based on what it says you have one 256MB PC-3200 200MHz chip and one 1024MB PC-2100 133MHz chip. The system will slow down to the speed of the slowest chip installed which in this case is the PC-2100. Although you only have one processor so it is not as important, however normally it is best to install the same size and speed chips in each pair of sockets (i.e. 2 ea 1024MB PC-2100 for 2048MB total or 2 ea 256MB PC-3200 for 512MB total). Since your system is seeing the PC-3200 I am willing to bet that it is designed to run at the higher 200MHz speed. Personally I would purchase a 1024MB PC-3200 DDR chip from your nearest retailer and replace the PC-2100. I would be willing to be you notice a speed increase.

As far as fixing the wrong values reported by BIOS error. When you install the new memory the system should detect the change and update the BIOS. I am willing to bet that the error is coming from the 200MHz chip only running at 133MHz because of the other chips speed.

Thank you for your help. I had a friend look at my system some time ago and he said that he added some memory and I'm wondering if that's how I ended up with unmatched chips. Anyway, I'll take your advice and get a matched set.

Cheers, and Happy New Year!

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