Dear Experts

I have got ASUS U31SD,,,,I installed windows 7 Ultimate for it , but I forgot to record what was the name of the wireless driver before formatting it

I downloaded the below two drivers (there is not third one to try it) from the official ASUS website above, but non of them worked.

Intel(R) WiFifamily WiFi Wireless LAN Driver

Azurewave Wireless Lan Driver and Application

Wireless hardware is on not off ?

Now I am confused I do not know which is the proper driver for the laptop ?


Do either of them work? If not, have you tried the Microsoft web site for appropriate drivers?

Do either of them work?

None of them

have you tried the Microsoft web site for appropriate drivers?

Where should I try that ? could you please advise for the link


I am assuming that your are running Windows (Xp, Vista, or Win7) and not Linux, correct?

I am assuming that your are running Windows (Xp, Vista, or Win7) and not Linux, correct?

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

I have got ASUS U31SD,,,,I installed windows 7 Ultimate for it ,

Most current systems have a switch to turn on/off the wireless stuff. Are you sure yours is on?

Most current systems have a switch to turn on/off the wireless stuff. Are you sure yours is on?

The little icon LED is on ,,,,that means it is on,,,,Isn't ?

The little icon LED is on ,,,,that means it is on,,,,Isn't ?

Should be, yes. Have you tried a clean reinstall of Win7 yet? As we say in the computer business, it it doesn't work the first time, try the same time again! :-)

Should be, yes. Have you tried a clean reinstall of Win7 yet? As we say in the computer business, it it doesn't work the first time, try the same time again! :-)

Of course, that is the definition of insanity, trying the same thing again, and again, expecting a different result! :-) Ok - we are all nuts!

Please don't tell me to do a fresh installation again ,,,,I have just finished this one and I have not installed all programs yet

Please don't tell me to do a fresh installation again ,,,,I have just finished this one and I have not installed all programs yet

Ok. I won't tell you to do that!

Thanks for the info about That may be helpful for a lot of people to speed up their 3rd party driver update process. So, good post.

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