
I have installed windows 7 and the sound is crackling. I tried using winamp and windows media player, two different headphones. I tried going to device manager and on sound device click update drivers, but it said that drivers are up to date.

One interesting thing is that in device manager it only writes audio device is such: "High definition audio device" no brand, no anything.

What could you advice? Where to searh for posible problem?

Its annoying while you listen music hearing those cracklings :(

realtek RTL8139/810x family fast ethernet NIC

thats a network device. not sound device,but maybe .anyway try speecy it will show all devices on the computer ,should list sound device ,

this program shows only that my audio devicew is 'High Definition Audio Device'

oh well ,i thought it might name it ,like it does for me .
what does it say for you motherboard model

Sound Cards
NVIDIA High Definition Audio
High Definition Audio Device
Playback Device
Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Recording Device
Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)
Speaker Configuration

motherboard is ASUSTeK Computer Inc. F5VL (CPU 1)

I uninstaled drivers, restarted pc.

Then I tried running setup for vista 32 bit drivers, and it throwed a message that 'no driver was suppoerted i nthis drover package'

(My windows 7 are 64 bit)

Then I see ballon notification that drivers were installed, so probably windows themselves installed some drivers.

Oh, and yet I saw the message - 'This programa minth not have installed correctly'

Bla bla bla, (program setup.exe) and so on, and two choices -

> reinstall using recomented settings
> this progtram installed corretcly

I just pressed cancel

Edit: later I looked at the folder, and saw there are vista 64 bit drivers and I went to device manager and choose add legacy device, choose one file from the folder vista64 and also it as I understood chose others as well. Then I got blue screen and my pc restarted. After restart I got message:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000007e
BCP2: FFFFF880090EF35B
BCP3: FFFFF88002FD5888
BCP4: FFFFF88002FD50E0
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1

Files that help describe the problem:

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the cracling is such as if cpu was laggig. But CPU is not lagging and still it cracles. I tried even setting real time priority on winamp, but didn't hellp

you motherboard is not compatible with win7 ,if it were Asus would have win7 drivers for it ,you need to go back to Vista or winxp if that is what you had installed on it before win7

damn :( my colegue said vista sucks, and I should just instal win7 and here we have the awesome windows 7.. :( but its only sound working bad. Isn't there any other option to bypass this? I remember when I had win xp it used to restart after few hours of work. So the only option is vista? Thats so sad. Or of course linux, but the problem is that most games are on windows platform.

i guess if everything else works ok ,you could disable the onboard sound and go out check at local computer store to see if they have a pci sound card for it ,that is compatible with win7

I don't know if its possible to install another pci card on my laptop. Where those audio connectors will be then?

I have found on the internet one person who had the same laptop and had the same problem with sound. He said he solved it by installing the old realtek driver.

ALso he said if I am not lucky to find it then, I can uninstall the driver, restart pc and windows instals the driver. Then go to set the low sound quealyty like 44khz and it should work for like month, then againt repeat the same procedure.

But the second method didn't work for me, also the soudn quealyti was set to lowest already.~44khz

The first methosd - I tried using xp drivers 32 and 64 bit, but I had no luck. They either didn't solve the problem, or I was not even able to install them. I tried downloading various drivers, from various sites.

Also there are some software whcih scans for drivers and says that I have old drivers (those which are installed by windows). By I have no luck in findin newes. And the program itself asks money if I want that the program would install them. But of course I want to do things cheap, and I don't even trust by some random program who says it can install right drivers.

I don't know if its possible to install another pci card on my laptop. Where those audio connectors will be then?

sorry didn't realize it was a laptop.
i never recommend those driver programs.and i think that Asus site is the best and only place to get the drivers from .
on there site the oldest drovers are winxp 2006,and vista 2007

I talked to another guy who has bit newer model of asus laptop than mine, and he said he had the same problems. He installed K-lite mega codek pack and Realtek High Definition Audio Codec and its ok for him. He said he spend a lot of time but found the solution.

I tried also installing Realtek High Definition Audio Codec, for 64 bit windows. But the problem didn't dissapear. Maybe I should now reinstall k-lite mega codek pack? So by reinstaling it would change some settings. Also if this will not solve, I am thinking of trying to install as old as posible version of Realtek High Definition Audio Codec.
Btw at least the microphone is now working. I didn't test it in real, but I saw in sound settings that sothing is moving when I make some sounds :)

lended from a colegue an external suond card, so sound is great now :) I will have to buy it, it is only few dollars, so I thinks its better to spend those, than go back to vista

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