Hi, I am using Windows 7 64bit home premium edition. I am unable to install any software in my system. Every time when i try to install any software an error message window appears with the following message.

C:\Program Files(x86)\.....

An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory: movefile failed; code 5

Access is denied.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.

Please give me some solution.....

Try right click on the setup file of the software you want to install and then click on Run as Admin in the context menu

I already try this but same error message

Is there any antivirus software enabled which could be blocking access to the file/folder?

No, I have not..

I try with different drive, it works.
But on C: drive it give me error message..

Just in case, see whether you do have write permissions to the folder

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