Am trying ti install Windows XP but keep getting the blue screen. Can you tell me what I need to correct during my trouble shoot

Am trying ti install Windows XP but keep getting the blue screen. Can you tell me what I need to correct during my trouble shoot

so lets start with why you poster in the win7 section of the forum ,please tell us more about you computer ,like brand name if it is one and model # ,is it new or old ,type of harddrive in the computer,sata or ide , ect ect

Ok morning and thanks in advance sorry about the windows7 side I love the OS. Now the computer am working on is a dell not the best specs <snipped DELL service tag and support ref, this is sensitive information>


If recently you have installed new hardware device in PC, So remove this hardware and then retry installation.


The two previous posts are trying to eliminate possible problems. The question, “Where in the process do you get the blue screen”, is looking for the following.

Is the computer getting past the BIOS self-test?

Are you installing from a CD or floppy drive? If you are using a CD and a floppy is installed, remove any floppy drive cables, secondary harddrive cables.

Is the problem the XP CD? Is the CD active light coming on? Keep in mind, loading XP will initially start in a blue screen which asks do you want to load from scratch of do a repair; do you want to reformat the drive, and so on.

Have you eliminated the CD? Try loading another CD such as another recovery disk or a Linux OS disk. You can create a Linux CD at no charge. If Linux loads, the XP disk is probably bad.

If it won’t run the Linux, then you are likely experiencing a hardware failure.

Moved to XP board.

Well, all u need is to change the setting in BIOS.
Keep pressing F2 at very start up of ur computer. It will redirect u to the BIOS.
Goto Advance menu & select some thing like SATA mode to IDE mode.
Save & exit.
Now u are able to install windows XP.

Or use your disk controller driver by means of a Slipstream with nlite / use a floppy

when i put his service tag in earlier im sure it said it was a ide board ,i could be wrong

if your sure you have downloaded the correct cd for your operating system or image as i assume it would be it may be the hard drive itself. you could also always try reimage to reinstall windows the link is in my signature.

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