i just purchased a new laptop and everything was working fine yesterday but today i am having trouble with certain websites, most are fine, however, i cannot open the sign in page to hotmail, i can sign in to facebook but none of the posts load up, and i cannot sign into skype. help please!

ive tried on other laptops and the pages are fine

What operating system and browser are you using?

windows 7 and intermet explorer

What are you using for anti-virus?

mcafee antivirus

could be the popup blocker ,in IE go to tools and turn off popup blocker ,just to see if that the problem

no unfortunately i still have problems

are browser cookies enabled?

ive gone into my privacy settings and "accepted all cookies"

try ,firefox browser as a temporary solution

You may want to install an additional browser on your computer such as Chrome or Firefox to see if you experience the same issues. If you don't, then its an IE configuration issue. If you do experience the issue, its either your malware protection software, or something else on the network.

I recommend installing Comodo Dragon (safer) or Chrome (less broken websites)

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