
yesterday i installed vmware player and today i wanted to uninstall it but i can't as when i do so it tells me that it is running yet it is not opened. I am using Windows 7 32 bit could you please help me?


Start the task manager console. See if you see the vmplayer process running. If so, click on it and hit end task. If not, restart your system, then try the uninstall again.

check in task manager under the Processes tab, if you have vmware.exe32, vmware-tray.exe32 and any other vmware related processes running, you need to close them first before uninstalling.
If still not able to uninstall, then try a tool like revo uninstaller or IObit uninstaller to see what happens. Usually thou, after closing all processes and restarting the computer, the uninstall should just go fine.

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