Hi everyone,

I had an issue today with my hard disk(internal hard drive). I was trying to partition the C drive.Eventually, I successfully paritioned it then I was asked a question then I pressed yes. Here is the problem. Everything changed from primary partition to simple volume. I was not sure what the simple volume is. I googled it and discovered it is dynamic volume. OK. I was trying to undo the operation but I couldn't find the right command for this. I really hoped that I had restored an early point to get OS to it. But unfortunately, I never did.

Then, I pressed restore to an early point of time. After this operation was done, it asked me to reboot the system. I did that. Then, It never wanted to work again!! when I start the machine, it gets stuck at the startup. All I can see is "HP, invent." That's in the middle and on the bottom, I see "press ESC to get the start up menu." I tried pushing every button and nothing seems to work. I took the internal hard drive out and put another one in to see what's happening. The old one works. I think the problem is with the HD then. Can I format it or get it working even?

I need urgent help. Thank you.

Yes, you'll need to reformat the drive.

System drives that go from partitions to volumes (basic to dynamic disks) will require a reformat to go back to a basic disk.

I want to format it. I don't care anymore about the data it has. But, the issue I'm face at the moment is that my laptop doesn't start up. I can post an image of what really happens.

If this is the only drive, boot with a windows OS cd and run through the install process. The format option is available during phase 1 of setup.

Yeah, I inserted the win OS cd to do formatting on the hard disk but the hard disk isn't getting me anywhere and is stuck at the start-up. I uploaded the image of what I get when I start my machine. http://i.imgur.com/AYhHH.jpg
Is there any other way of formatting the hard disk? because I don't have access to the BIOS too. I thought of installing win7 on a usb but I never did it before. Any idea if this will work?

Yeah, I inserted the win OS cd to do formatting on the hard disk but the hard disk isn't getting me anywhere and is stuck at the start-up.

So, I am not clear..where you able to book from the Windows CD and go through the installation where you can delete the partition, recreate a new one and format the logical drive?

You shouldnt have to get into the BIOS if the computer is unable to boot from the Drive because your system should go to the next device listed in the boot order sequence. Installing Windows from a USB is similar as from a CD. To create a bootable USB Windows media, do a search..plenty of articles on how to set that up.

The goal here is to delete the partition, create a new one, and format. You will need to do that from bootable media.

If your hard disk is not recogmized than there must be problem of power suply not attached to the hard disk

@JorgeM... I tried the win CD to get the phase that you're talking about. As you can see the image I posted, that is where the hard disk is stuck at and not going anywhere. I kept pressing ESC button/F8 button to get to the start-up menu and unfortunately, this didn't work.

@ kevin... it is well-connected to the hard disk port. That is the exact thought I had before, then I made sure it is connected and not coming off the port.

I think there isn't an active partition and that is why the hard disk is recognised at all. I'm kindda stuck at the moment. Not having any idea what to do.

If the computer is not booting from the CD, then the only option I see is to go into the BIOS and change the boot order so that the computer will always check the CD rom before trying to boot from the hard drive.

The only way I can see that you will be able to format this hard drive is either boot off of some other media (CD is easiest), or take this hard drive and connect it via USB to another computer after the other computer's Windows is loaded, then open Computer Management console, Disk Management snap-in. IMport the disk if needed, delete the partition(s), recreate them, then reformat.

Unfortunately, I cant think of any other way to access this drive.

I can't access the BIOS menu unfortunately. What if I plug in the old HD and insert the Win CD to get me to the set-up phase. Once I'm in there, I will unplug the old one and put the one I've havin a trouble with back in. Will that work at all without causing any new problems?

That wont work. If you have another hard drive and can get Windows installed, then at least you can get/buy a USB/IDE interface to plug this problem hard drive in after Windows is loaded. Then through disk manager, delete/create new partitions and format the drive.

Once I'm in there, I will unplug the old one and put the one I've havin a trouble with back in

no, you cant plug and onplug hdd with the power on
also you say you cant get to the bios ,can you tell us why ,what error message if any do you get when you try to enter the bios on bootup

@caperjack.. Have a look at the image I posted. That is basically what I get when I start the machine.

ok, so what options do you get when you hit the Esc key it says to hit , to enter bios on bootup on most computer its either the f2 or Esc key

you would need to have access to the bios to choose usb as the first boot option

I thought of installing win7 on a usb but I never did it before. Any idea if this will work?

hat options do you get when you hit the Esc key it says to hit

I get nothing. It is the screen as shown in the image which is frustrating.

what program were you using to partition the hdd

I was trying to partition the C drive.Eventually, I successfully paritioned it then I was asked a question then I pressed yes

I was trying to partition the C drive.Eventually, I successfully paritioned it then I was asked a question then I pressed yes

Disk management.


Any idea how to resolve the problem?

All I'm hoping is that the hard disk isn't faulty and can be fixed.

What hardware have you got connected? Try going with just the simplest arrangement, eg. keyboard only, no mouse. No USB hardware, use PS2 keyboard if available, maybe a PS2 mouse.
I'm not sure, but I think Esc was for Recovery options like Safe Mode, Normal Mode, Last Config...

everythin is connected and how is that a major issue? I tested the hardware pieces before. If you read earliers posts, I mentioned that I put an old HD in there and it worked fine.

Please anyone experienced with this problem.. I need this laptop to be working.. I think I got to read system msgs next time..

Quoted Text Here I was trying to partition the C drive.Eventually, I successfully paritioned it then I was asked a question then I pressed yes

ok,here where it all started ,,thake the harddrive out ,hook it to another computer ,backup all important data ,and remove all partition and reformat the drive,creat multiple partition if that what you want ,then put it back in the laptop and start ove install a fresh win7 .
and yes I have all kinds of experience with user error computer problems,im just better with hands on repair ,than miles away repair ,sorry . good luck

Cheers for the informative answer. So the HD isn't faulty, right? What do I use to hook it up with another computer? The only option I can think of is a USB connector. Is there any other option?

yes a usb connector or add to a tower computer via sata cable [if its a sata hdd] as a slave/2nd harddrive

check out this link, it's a hard disk partitioning tool check if it will help you out: http://partitionlogic.org.uk/

@caperjack.. I connected the hard disk to my other laptop and I couldn't see the partitions at all. More to the point that the hard disk wasn't recognised. What does that tell me? it is faulty and useless?

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