Hi. I downloaded a couple of sport pics from a photographers site(Willie Vass) but in the folder I can only see the titles. They are Gifs apparently and the files are not Hidden in properties. Any ideas how I can view? I have opened with several pic viewing progs but no joy. Thanks!

Try using a web browser.

Are you sure that you downloaded files of type "GIF". If so, you should be able to open the files with your browser and MS Paint, as well as other Windows picture manager type apps.

Well in Properties it is described as a 'GIF Image'...yet I notice the size appears as 1 x 1. !! Tried enlarging in Paint x 500%, but nothing to see

It sounds like what you downloaded was not the pictures you intended to grab from the site.

You can open those files in Any web browser or MS Picture Manager.

JorgeM I think your right. No worries, thanks for the replies guys

sorry you werent able to resolve the issue!

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