Hi! Everytime i try to open ANY exe programs notepad pops with a bunch of code like this "5®Ê{Ãÿ%Pcb ‹ÀS3Ûj èîÿÿÿƒøujèâÿÿÿ" I tried to disable a virus by changing the extension cuz it wouldn;t let me delete it so i did that and i think i might of tried to change how it opened but i can't remember sorry! But can anyone help me cuz i really don't want to reinstall windows! Thanks alot!

Ya i tried that and the secondary way to fix it nothing happend! So i tried the fixreg thing nothing! Than i rebooted and now Mcafee works but nothing else?

Ok i think i might have found something here! I was going through the toutorial and i went to this HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ FileExts \ .exe and found out that it says this

Name- Application
Type- REG_SZ
Data- notepad.exe

Is that data wrong? Cuz thats what the apps are opening with in notepad? Should i change it?

Sorry i cant say yes or no to that ,if it were mine i would back up my regstry and try it now im not say for you to delete them !!! you be the judge

I fixed it! I deleted the notepad.exe and changed it to nothing so it works now but thanks for the help

your welcome ,good to see you fixed it .

Ya i tried that and the secondary way to fix it nothing happend! So i tried the fixreg thing nothing! Than i rebooted and now Mcafee works but nothing else?

Ok i think i might have found something here! I was going through the toutorial and i went to this HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ FileExts \ .exe and found out that it says this

Name- Application
Type- REG_SZ
Data- notepad.exe

Is that data wrong? Cuz thats what the apps are opening with in notepad? Should i change it?

check for that notepad.exe on mc afee virus list....

otepad - notepad.exe - Process Information

Process File: notepad or notepad.exe
Process Name: Windows Notepad

notepad.exe is the exectuable for Notepad, the default text editor included in Windows used to open and edit txt documents.

Note: notepad.exe is also a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. It is a registered security risk and should be removed immediately.

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