I recently installed a Windows XP SP2 on a unit and will be used as a workstation. I have windows2003 service pack 1 for a server and is already configured with DHCP and AD.
My problem is that everytime i add my computer as a member of my domain, and log on as a administrator for the workstation's account (not windows2003 account) my taskbar delays its response. I can't click Start and if you leave it for a while(about 30 mins to 1 hr), the bar just functions back to Normal or sometimes it just hungs up. On the other hand, everytime i log on as an administrator for my windows 2003, my workstation will delay response on "Loading personal settings" for about 30 minutes, then stucks up of "applying computers settings"!! Please help....!! Thanky ou in advance.

Does this domain have any group policies or login scripts applied to it?

Does this domain have any group policies or login scripts applied to it?

not yet... I dont have any problems wid windows2000AS.

not yet... I dont have any problems wid windows2000AS.

if you login to "this computer" is the same problem?

if you login to "this computer" is the same problem?

if you login to "this computer" the taskbar delays response or hungs up. but if you log in to the domain the loading personal settings takes a long time and the applying computer settings does not stop loading..

i'm also have this problem . i have domain server only.i'm not edit gp if any possible to speed up the login by gp editing or login scripts kindly replay this .

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