I have an installer project which installs my application and it's dependencies, which used to run fine on XP.
This project has some Custom Actions that registers a service.
I can register the service manually using elevated command line.
But the custom action hangs.
I have created a sample installer project with some empty custom actions and it hangs as well.
My conclusion is that Vista has some issues with Custom Actions.
Needless to say is that the Installer is run elevated, of course.
Also each time I get this hang I have the following error in the EventViewer :
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error querying for the IVssWriterCallback interface. hr = 0x800706f7.
Does anybody have any input ???
P.S. My Custom Action project is in C#.



Hellow Windows Vista got nice securities.

If the installer programme that you are using it might be using important files in your computer.

Open the installer programme then press windows key on your keyboard


and type MSDOS.SYS if a message comes like this
" The 2334##$ not working"
It means you are okay

This is one solution. If it doesn't works then please mail me on my name is Ankit.


I have an installer project which installs my application and it's dependencies, which used to run fine on XP.
This project has some Custom Actions that registers a service.
I can register the service manually using elevated command line.
But the custom action hangs.
I have created a sample installer project with some empty custom actions and it hangs as well.
My conclusion is that Vista has some issues with Custom Actions.
Needless to say is that the Installer is run elevated, of course.
Also each time I get this hang I have the following error in the EventViewer :
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error querying for the IVssWriterCallback interface. hr = 0x800706f7.
Does anybody have any input ???
P.S. My Custom Action project is in C#.



I have solved the problem.
SP1 for .NET Framework must be installed.
That fixes it.

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