hi all..... I am Gary from MAlaysia......I am new here.What i want to ask is why i got this error message...It started whrn i install application in Win XP.So the application can't be start.Before this i already install this application in Win 98 but there is no problem....Can someone pls help me to solve it....Thanks A lot....

Can you tell us about the application. Probably there's some compatibility issue of the application with windows xp.

Can you tell us about the application. Probably there's some compatibility issue of the application with windows xp.

The application is IB Patrol that is use for monitoring guard that had do his job or not.....But now the problem was solve already.....I had to install Microsoft Access to work together with this application....Thanks nanosani for ur support....:lol:

Cheers Nanosani!:-)

Please can you help with a similar problem?

I am working with Microsoft Access and i keep running into an error message

Microsoft Visual Basic
Run-time error '7':
Out of memory

This happens whenever i click on a command button in the form.

Please can you help?


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