My computer keeps shutting down and I get the "blue screen of death".

0x000000c5 and

I have not installed anything recently. It just keeps turning off and going to the damn blue screen.
How do I fix this? PLEASE help!

windows xp

Another: 0x000000c1 special_pool_detected_memory_corruption.


Thanks for replying. I am going through absolute hell with this computer. I followed your link, the resolution says to 'obtain backtrace'. How do you go about doing that?

Thanks again


Thanks for replying. I am going through absolute hell with this computer. I followed your link, the resolution says to 'obtain backtrace'. How do you go about doing that?

Thanks again

sorry in over my head ,just provide a link ithought might help ,semms all info i find is for the developer of a new program for debugging erros in it .sorry

ok, thanks. just wanted to add, for anyone else that can help. I can't even run my computer normally in safe mode. It goes off, every chance that it can get. I don't even know how I am posting this right now, except that I am lucky I can.

Try replacing your RAM sticks. Judging from the error you dexcribed, this sounds like a bad memory stick.

Yeah, I'm thinking that may be the case too. What kind of stick do I need to get? I basically have no clue. I searched online, and came up with PC2700 ddr or PC2100 drr. Which one would be the kind that I am looking for? Should I get any particular brand?

my computer is model A26EV17F
Windows XP

What are memory sticks? Is it the same thing as ram??

I ran a memtest86, but my computer crashed halfway through. So I ran it again, and got 53 errors. Before the test was through, it crashed once more. Whats the problem?

Yes, memory sticks are RAM sticks. Since your computer crashes while running mtest86, your RAM sticks are bad. Replace them, and you'll be fine

The kind of memory (PC 2100 etc) will depend on your motherboard. From what I saw online, you will need to get PC 2100 DDR RAM.

ok, will any brand work? Motherboard... do you mean like I have to get one that is for an emachines only?

If your current board is fine (which I suspect it is), you dont need to change it. However, do get new RAM first. As for brands, well, you could go for brands like Kingston, Corsair, Samsung. These are all good manufacturers.

ok, thanks alot for helping me out. I really appreciate it.

Well, it wasn't the ram. I bought a new one, and took out the old one with no change. So what the hell is the deal with my damn computer???? I can't even use it! What do I do now?! HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!

describe the symptoms in detail. we'll go from there

Basically, it is unusable. I turn it on and if it doesn't freeze, I am able to get on to the regular desktop. After about ten minutes, maybe less, it restarts. Blue Screens of Death pop up. Along with error messages like:

following is missing or corrupt:
<windows root>\ system 32\ ntoskml.exe
please reinstall a copy of the above file

And like I said, its not the memory because I replaced it, to no avail.

Check if your CPU or mainboard is overheating. If it isn't, try cleaning out all connectors on the board and remove any dusk in the computer. If this doesn't help, try for matting and then reinstalling windows...

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