msn messenger 7.5/windows live messenger beta problem

everytme i go to sign into msn messenger after about 5 seconds it comes up with an error message saying i have encounterd a problem ...anyone no how i can fix this...details below..

i have unistalled and reinstalled it and still have the problem


It's a beta version; of course it crashes. :mrgreen:

The term "beta" implies:
1. That it is not a finished release version of the program.
2. iThat it does have bugs and programming errors.
3. That you use it at your own risk.

No thats not the prob, I had the same thing with 7.5

i have the exact same problem for about a month and a half now and it is driving me nuts! i even tried using older versions of msn messenger and those programs told me to update my msn to a newer version.... i don't have a clue why error reports keep displaying but i am really sick and tired of it! i even sent an email to msn messenger technical support but they never replied. Please could someone help solve this problem?

I found out the problem, you have some kind of virus. I rebooted because the virus got me a trojan-downloader, and crashed my computer twice. It's also stopping me from downloading Mc Afee, and Norton.

Hi carminae7, welcome to DaniWeb :)

If you do want to pursue the possibility of a virus infection (and I think that's wise), please do the following:

Download the (free) HijackThis utility. Once downloaded, follow these instructions to install and run the program:

Create a folder for HJT outside of any Temp/Temporary folders and move the HijackThis.exe file to that folder now. A folder such such as C:\HijackThis or C:\Spyware Tools\HijackThis will do.

Run HijackThis, but do not have HJT fix anything yet; only have it scan your system! Once the scan is complete, the "Scan" button will turn into an option to "Save log...".
Save the log in the folder you created for HijackThis; the saved file will be named "hijackthis.log".

Start a new thread of your own in our Viruses, Spyware, and other Nasties forum (we do not work on virus issues in this particular forum). Open the HJT log file with Windows Notepad, and cut-n-paste the entire contents of the Notepad file into the new thread you created.

The log contents will tell us a lot about what "nasties" have crept into your system, and once we analyse the log we can tell you what to do from there.

I found out the problem, you have some kind of virus. I rebooted because the virus got me a trojan-downloader, and crashed my computer twice. It's also stopping me from downloading Mc Afee, and Norton.

Is there a program u used for the removal of this trojan? could i use that program?

Hi carminae7,

Even if you do have an infection, yours may not be the same infection that Screwy is talking about, and may therefore need an entirely different remedy.
Please follow the suggestion I gave in my last post. Once you do that, we'll be able to tell you if you have an infection, and if so, how to remove it.

Additionally, our forum rules advise against members tagging their questions/problems on to a thread started by another member, so you really do need to present your problem in a thread of your own.


every tie i keep signing in to my msn messenger it keep sayingdont send or send report ang it cut off when tat error reportin come on

And when I want add a new contact I send,but to this contact the invite doesnt come to answer invite :S

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