Reverend Jim 5,095 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

I'm having intermittent problems with scrolling via the wheel on my Logitech Anywhere MX mouse. I have been spending a lot of time editing old DaniWeb posts to correct formatting errors so this is where I tend to see the problem as it requires a lot of scrolling. After a few minutes the scroll wheel starts to behave oddly. Scrolling down either

  • becomes sporadic
  • becomes completely non-responsive
  • causes text to scroll up instead of down

Unplugging and reinserting the mouse transmitter (USB port) usually fixed the problem but only for a few minutes. Another identical mouse had the same behaviour. And then, by chance, I had to use task manager to kill the FlashPlayer plugin for an unrelated problem. To my surprise, the scrolling started working again. Now whenever the scrolling goes south I kill the plugin to fix it. I can only conclude there is a problem with FlashPlayerPlugin_11_6_602_180 (the current release). Upon further investigation I see other people have reported similar problems as far back as 2011. Is anyone else seeing this problem and does anyone have a fix?

PS: Once the scrolling gets screwed up it affects scrolling in other applications as well.

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