Just as the thread title suggests, how can I deploy printers via group policy in Windows 2012 Server Essentials?

So, I am not an expert on Small Business Server/ 2012 Essentials type products, but I assume that the process is identical as it would be from Windows Server Standard-->DataCenter.

If you have the Print Server role installed on the server, you should be able to access the Print Management Admin tool from Server manager --> Tools.

When you open the admin console...

In the left pane, click Print Servers, click the applicable print server, and click Printers.
In the center pane, right-click the applicable printer, and then click Deploy with Group Policy.
In the Deploy with Group Policy dialog box, click Browse, and then choose or create a new GPO for storing the printer connections.

Specify whether to deploy the printer connections to users, or to computers:
Click Add.
Click OK.

This can also be done from the Group Policy Management console, but if you use the Printer management console, I think its an easier way to manage this process.

Your deployed printer will show in the GPO that you created/modified. Open the GPO management console, navigate to the OU that has the GPO linked, right click edit. If you deployed to users/computers --> Expand the correct configuration group. Expand Policies, Expand Windows Settings, Click on Deployed Printers. You should see in the right pane, the deployed printer you configured in the Print Management tool.

View from Group Policy Management Console -->

Printer that was deployed from Print Managment console to Users -->


I don't have a server manager :(

I guess its a Server 2012 Essentials thing then, sorry again...not familiar with that type of edition. If you have Group Policy Management Console, you can deploy printers directly from there as well.

Hopefully someone else has some SBS or Essentials experience to help you.

Thanks for your help anyways :)

Essentials is the successor to the now-legacy Windows Small Business Server line. It's a scaled down version where there's one-click set up to create a domain, backup all computers on the network (a la the old Windows Home Server functionality), and set up group policy for things like virus protection, firewall, and windows updates. However, printing doesn't seem to be anywehre on the list :(

How about this thread, anything you can use?

So, after reading the thread on MS's technet forum from the referenced link above, it would appear to me that the deployement of a printer is relatively similar to non SBS/Essentials versions of Windows.

In the first post, there is metion of ...

After adding the print services role to a Windows Server Essentials 2012

I had assumed that "Server Manager" was part of the 2012 Essentials package, but if its not, just look for what ever admin console you have for adding roles and features.

In addition, that same thread also has some links that may be useful for you. Aside from adding the role to the server, if the actual printer will reside on that same server, you need to install it. Again, very similar process to a typical Windows server, but this article has some additional info about specific items with regard to SBS/Essentials...

Windows Server 2012 Essentials : Add a Network Printer

Deploying Printers using Group Policy can be done via the Print Managment console which is relatively more helpful that just trying to deploy printers from the GPMC console.

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