Hello, I need help, there are some important files that deleted a year ago in my SD card, now I need to to use them for my work, is it possibleto recover them? If possible, please reocmmend some methods or app that works, thanks!!!

You could give recuva from piriform a go. It's a free program and can easy be found with google.

I tried Recuva, but I found it cannot scan all of my file, and it crashed continuously.

It's very unusual for recuva to crash. I have used it more than 100 times without a single crash. I have also used it with great success on damaged hard drives too.
Perhaps you should scan your system for infections!!

Hey, dear, I just download and tested a card data recovery tool named Vibosoft, it is not free, did you use it before or can you please help me test it. I don't care if is free or not, just works for my SD card, please help make some suggetstion. this is app page: http://www.vibosoft.com/card-data-recovery.html

PS: I'm using the windows 7.

I also tried that vibosoft... Its like hell and its purely a waste of money... I suggest you to try recuva itself...

As @Rik from RCE said, the crash of recuva is like a miracle. It seems like recuva is trying to restore a viral file where as your antivirus program must be blocking it.

So, try it in 2 ways.

1) Turn off your antivirus protection and try recovering files. (Extremely harmful)
2) Try to recover the files little by little.i.e, 10 files recovery at a time. Like that...

Hope this helps you...

Have a happie coding...:D

OK, thanks for your help, I will try recuva again.

Fine. Post the result in this forum..

i suggest you to download recuva from filehippo(dot)com and install. then you go for recovery.

what is the size in gb of the sd card?
I did use easeus partition master to recover files. because this has a recovery tool for lost data. it isnt a free tool but you can get 1gb data back for free.


i suggest you to download recuva from filehippo(dot)com and install. then you go for recovery.

If you actually bothered to read all the posts made so far you would have seen that recuva has already been suggested.

This depends on whether or not the storage space the files originally occupied was reused. If new files were written on the same "sectors," the old material is forever gone.

Yes it is possible to recover deleted files from SD card only if the files are not overwritten. One year is a long period but then also give a try to Remo Recover tool. This software may help you to get back your deleted files. I have recovered some of my files from SD card with the help of Remo Recover tool and it worked as per my satisfaction.

absolutely yes, you can ask for the third party software like Power Data Recovery for security.

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