
I am facing a very strange problem in my PC. Earlier I installed Windows 2000 in my machine, but later on for some reasons I installed win XP also in adifferent drive. Now my PC contains both the OS, but both of them have crashed.

Now the problem is:

When I try to start PC, it shows some message like "choose OS to boot from..." where it shows both options that is

1) Boot from windows 2000
2) Boot from Windows XP.

If I choose windows 2000 from there, then it shows "starting windows 2000.....", Then the Windows blue screen appears. But then instead of starting windows it takes me to the intial screen which shows "choose OS to boot from..." .This keeps going in a loop.

When I try to re-install Windows 2000 on my PC, I press DEL to get into booting settings. There I set Boot priority device as CD ROM. and on restarting the computer to rebot from CD, it again follows the above loop. This is really annoying.

Please help...


When booting from CD you need to press a key in given amount of time (when that progress barr appears) to actually boot from CD.

There is possibility that this is a hardware failure, maybe even preventing you to boot form CD, but it is hard to tell on given info.

Hi Chaky,

Thanks for the reply !
I m pressing down the key, but it's of no use.


When booting from CD you need to press a key in given amount of time (when that progress barr appears) to actually boot from CD.

There is possibility that this is a hardware failure, maybe even preventing you to boot form CD, but it is hard to tell on given info.

May be that the CD device is not working no more. Try unplugging the device and then boot normally.

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