Hi People,

I burn a lot of DVD's and usually watch them on my DVD player.
However, I have recently tried watching them on my computer using WMP. Unfortunately with NO sound.

Help is greatly appreciated.

PS - Checked all sound/volume settings. OK


Mighty Mart

Hi People,

I burn a lot of DVD's and usually watch them on my DVD player.
However, I have recently tried watching them on my computer using WMP. Unfortunately with NO sound.

Help is greatly appreciated.

PS - Checked all sound/volume settings. OK


Mighty Mart

hi! what about the codecs?

Where are they and what do I adjust?

hi MightyMart! So you don't have sound because may be you don't have the codecs, so i advice you to download them for example K-lite codec pack. here's the link:


when you will pass through installation process, you will be offered to choose what codecs to install, choose all:)


Got em. WMP now works.


good for you! you are welcome!

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